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I was watching an episode of seinfeld and was thinking, wow this isnt all that funny, but then at the end of the episode alot of the unfunny jokes were building to an actually funny joke at the end.
Is it better for something to be already funny or to be made funny through later information?


A really good joke is worth sitting through a lot of bad ones.


seinfeld isn't funny because the jokes and the style of delivery are so ingrained in popular culture that they're already stale by osmosis. but when it came out it was funny


It's a show about nothing! A lot of the humor isn't readily apparent, like what you mentioned. But, a lot of the show is simply just observing a bunch of people living a life that people related to, to an extent. Kramer is probably the closest you get to the typical sitcom character, but he's still believable and not so much a caricature.
I'm not sure if Seinfeld has aged well, now that I think of it.


Surprising that people had the patience to watch a show focused around the build up to a joke and not a stream of funny things thrown at the viewer.


I always thought Seinfeld managed to write the jokes into the script pretty well without shoving them in the audience's face. Though they still included a laugh track because god forbid someone watch a comedy show and miss a joke.


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It's better if the whole episode is funny. I remember being entertained while watching the k-on episode where Mugi steals Mio's strawberry at the end, it was a fun build up.


You have to remember what Seinfeld was going up against. Prior to the 90s, American television was pretty much universally terrible. Compared to most of what was on TV at the time, Seinfeld was non-stop hilarity. Nowadays, thanks in large part to Seinfeld (and also The Simpsons, which was doing something similar with animation), our standards are much higher.


whats the deal with /qa/?


it's new yorker humor i never clicked with it
king of the hill was more my speed since it was from a culture I "get"


I've seen fewer episodes but I remember finding curb your enthusiasm being funnier


I like it's always sunny
I can entertain myself just quoting scenes from the show


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All depends on delivery/context as an already good joke can be ruined if the timing is awful and a bad joke could be funny in the same aspect, very subjective.

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