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File:1530303859069.jpg (161.38 KB,1280x720)


nyaa si isn't loading


File:1488228573342.png (792.41 KB,1209x842)


Are you using that ISP that blocked it? Verizon or something?
We really do need net neutrality, huh...



Just need the president to nominate someone not in the pocket of cable companies to be the 5th commissioner, which has been on the waiting table for 6 months now.


working for me, use a VPN Anon


Kinda odd how both mangadex and nyaa have been blocked for months and neither have tried to do anything about it.


I remember near the beginning of the pandemic some ISPs removed the bandwidth cap on people and somehow infrastructure didn't explode and the tubes weren't clogged.
I'm thinking the government probably stepped on their toes to help maintain the peace with everyone restless at home. For us in the Cox Cable fiefdom I don't think the data cap per month was removed (at which point they charge you by the GB) but I think they added some breathing room.
Sadly, I think everyone should start learning how to use VPNs because I don't think things will improve even if some decent people (for politicians) get the right offices.


File:[SubsPlease] Non Non Biyor….jpg (371.59 KB,1280x720)

it works, thank you!

no, i'm not even from the US
but yeah, looks like my ISP is blocking it


That sucks, I know that with Verizon the block was just an unlucky coincidence, but with other countries it may have actually been targeted...

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