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File:1517458659618.gif (349.66 KB,540x640)


what if 2 kissu posters kissu'd?


File:bc75cc3bca714f1e3618b26886….png (802.18 KB,1195x1032)

Let's find out


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (204.25 KB,1280x720)

I believe the scientific notation is Kissu².
Huh, I can barely make out that 2 with this font.


File:1488219789179.gif (1.16 MB,500x277)

if 2 kissu friends kissed, would they still be friends?


the theory of kissing homies goodnight says yes, because if doing so is not gay, then it does not affect the friendship.


ha gay


File:image.jpeg (184.47 KB,830x463)

You and I both know that it wouldn't be possible to stop at only one and it won't be describable at all as you'd be too overwhelmed for any words.

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