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It's time for the newest Monster Hunter game! We had lobbies for the last two games that came out on PC and this will be no different. I hope you like brown!
It's supposed to release on the 27th, but MH launches can be quite, uh... eventful.

Who's up for hunting some monsters?


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I'm hoping I can play it with little issues.


I'm interested in the performance and reviews are coming out now but most of them are from console perspectives. This guy got PC copies though and he says the performance is very inconsistent. I was hoping Capcom would pull through with some optimization fixes but I'm not very hopeful anymore. Just gotta pray my build holds up.


I'll probably get it just because hunting monsters is always fun but I wasn't really impressed by the first beta and even journalists seem to be complaining it's too easy which is concerning. No performance issues during the beta at least so not worried about that.


I wouldn't take complaints over the difficulty very seriously. Base MonHuns are always easy and Rise was especially easy to the point where you really had to try to cart. I expect them to implement challenging hunts via updates and events like World did.


>optimization fixes
With the actual release including Denuvo, I highly doubted it would be better than the beta.


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I didn't play the beta at all, so I'm a bit in the dark on most of it (on purpose), but what's the multiplayer like with it being more open worldy? Is it like a seamless co-op experience?


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i am hunter i must hunt


Tonight's the night.


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>5 more hours


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Wow the game knows what I'm going to play by giving me GS already right at the start.


holy shit aiming TCS feels so good


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yeah im gamer i game


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Huh, so it's true. No 'monster hunter language'? That's a disappointment.


spider monster has some really nice looking armor


why did they make it so piss easy im about to refund it there's zero challenge so disappointing


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I just want to hunt monsters. I've been playing for like 3 hours today (after waking up) and I've fought... 3 monsters. Wouldn't be so bad if I were fighting them the majority of that time, but each of them have been like a 10 minute fight.


Did you play Rise? It was also piss easy. You should've known a base monhun game wouldn't be difficult.


monster pouter


Does this shit have Denuvo because if it does I'm not buying it



How do I adjust the brightness settings so it stops looking like the ugliest fucking piece of shit game I've ever seen?


dumb ugliestard


This makes rise look like chess


There's a bloom setting. Not sure about anything else. Might need to get ReShade going.


Oh, and volumetric fog. I'm just now starting the game properly, but volumetric fog can be a HUGE contributory to a bright foggy mess of a game. I think it's something recommended to disable in MHW.


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Man, these modern games make me feel like an old man trying to understand new technology. It's not "okay here's a sword, go hunt a monster" it's

There was like 20 of this in the first mission while there were 10 popups for environmental stuff and other things. STOP WITH THE OVERSTIMULATION!


I just use GS and it didn't do that for me. Did you enable beginner tutorials?


I did "limited tutorials" and it doesn't feel like it. I'm fine with the stuff being explained, they just throw everything at you at once.


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Do we have a Kissu Squad yet?


Don't understand the squad thing. I saw it said somewhere that 16 people can join so I'm assuming its a clan?


Not sure, it almost sounded like it played a part in lobbies. At the least it might be easier to make kissu lobbies if we had one of those going.


make it


I already logged out for a bit, too tired to play through all the walking and talking scenes and stay focused. Plus I've only done one quest so someone else more familiar with the game should do it.


Hunting Hunt seems better than Rise, but seems less fun than World. The echo bubble thing lets you queue up buffs without needing to swing, so that's pretty cool.
Lance seems like it's a lot stronger and feels more fun with stuff like triple hits and small returned damage on block. It seems like there's less of a movement penalty on it. I think I'll be messing around with Lance for a bit.


>Hunting Hunt
bleh, Horn...


Unlocked HR. Main story took me like 8 hours I think? Glad its over, hate stupid "look here" "follow me" quests.


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What the fuck she's huge


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Man, why are these visuals so awful. Fire is full of pixels and so is the selection cursor thingie.


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holy fuck


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Man, it's really quite nice and pretty when you're out of the brown starting area and you can actually move around freely. Capcom needs to stop pandering to the Western movie game audience.


The wound system seems like simply a direct improvement over the clutch claw in every way imaginable, and I love engaging with it so that's good about this. Having two weapons helps as well since it allows some people to experiment a bit more with builds, though I just use the second slot for horn to buff my attack with GS.

Think I'm doing something wrong since I'm getting carted a lot more than I feel I should be for how easy others are saying the game is, but maybe it's just because of my suicidal "Get in the monster's face and TCS" style of play. Haven't fullly failed any mission yet though, and I think I'm approaching the end of low rank. Think I need to figure out how the upslash counter thing works since I haven't really found out how to use it outside of that first monster and I'm a bit worried about taking a hit if the move isn't counterable.

My favorite monster so far is easily Jin Dahaad


Although I have to say, when it goes right I fucking love my GS. Got to the Ebony Odoragon and just smashed his face in with how much I already knew of how to handle him from all the hours I sank into World. Getting the tackle perfect and then getting what feel like guaranteed boosted crits on wound TCS strikes is a lovely feeling, especially when you combine it with multiple wounds that you can then combo into direct TCS afterwards.



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woah you can customize your car


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For the 1.4million playing this game, that's a lot of people who've reached and gotten past HR20 already.

Also I still don't know how to cross slash.


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Guess nobody's posted a squad yet, so here.


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gnfos get pooped on
can't even beat the octopus without dying lmao


ill join it later


>26 minutes


i was using entry-level hr gear
my weapon was rank 6
my hands were cold
also my brother was playing so it doesn't actually count as my time


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This is what you deserve


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Modders are the strongest race


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