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File:404 Not Found.jpg (36.01 KB,640x449)


Is sharty kill???


Okay I know this thread is going to be deleted but no, it isn't kill, the owner forgot to pay the bill again.
So in short go back there


It's been down for 6 hours though


It's going to be down until friday from my sources.


File:[SubsPlease] Puniru wa Kaw….jpg (227.68 KB,1920x1080)

Why do you keep making threads for this...
Kissu is a board that they had attempted to raid and wipe once upon a time, like other 2D boards that were lame and non-wojak-y (RIP 1chan and desuchan and others). You're asking people here to care about a place that wants to wipe it off the map. In the future ask in the happenings thread or something, but I'm not sure if we want to invite that kind of community here to share their stories.
Since you bumped that "hey I'm from heyuri" thread to talk about this I assume it's your thread so I'm just going to merge them


Moved to >>>/qa/118368.

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