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What would happen if we made it a requirement for girls to have at least one child to graduate from compulsory education, two to get a college degree, and three for a graduate degree? Would it work to counter the tendency of wealthier, higher-educated people to have fewer children? Or the fears about career development being hampered by the year of vacation?


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Hoo boy, that's quite a subject...


i have a pregnancy fetish so this has my approval




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even better: 1 child to graduate JS, 2 for JC, 3 for JK


Stealth abortion bait thread


i wish you had been aborted


wow I can't believe kissu actually has women posting on it.


It'd certainly be interesting to see every CGDCT anime have pregnant and new-mother characters mixed in. JKs going "Nani? Your kid is 5??? But that would mean you gave birth at xx!" would definitely be a trope. There would be generic birthing arcs whenever the author needed to work up drama and pregnancyfags would rage whenever a girl who started the series with a huge belly got her character development moment. Or maybe we'd just see a lot more JS/JC stuff to work around the purity problem, assuming people even still cared about that in such a world.

Good fetish stuff, but not all JS are physically developed enough to complete a pregnancy before graduation rolls around. More importantly, there's not really any value in a JS/JC graduation to incentivize people to follow the rules. Are you going to make them repeat a year or be a NEET until they comply? Kind of a waste of good education years.


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The problem is that higher education and bigger families are at odds with one another, such a system would only stress the family more and would create resentful people. And that's if they keep the kid. We all know some callous bitch is just going to knock herself up with a sperm donator then send it off to adoption the moment it leaves her womb, just to tick the requirement box.

With how every job needs at least a bachelors to even be considered she's either working from home or sending her kids to daycare. School takes a long time too and has irregular schedules and high time demands, trying to care for kids while studying for an exam would be nightmarish. She has her first kid senior year of high school in order to graduate, then four years later has to have another kid to graduate college which needs to be done while raising a 1-4 year old, then another kid in two years for a graduate degree. If she hasn't worked herself to death she's caring for a six year old, a two year old, and an infant; all while buried under a mountain of debt and hasn't even gotten a real job yet.
The economy requires both parents to work, there's less time available for housekeeping and child rearing; it's a society that makes women not want to have children and just forcing them too would only make it worse.

Women should have children because they want to have children and start a family, and to do that you need to make it so that you're not costing them an arm and a leg to have a single one. Sorry Abe-sama, the average person just cant afford to have sex and have kids. Cost of living is high enough with just one mouth to feed, let alone all the other massive expenses involved with having a kid. And with how loose morals are these days like hell am I going to raise a child that isn't mine. The village structure of raising children is gone and nobody wants anything to do with your spawn unless cash is involved, you either do it by yourself or pay out the equivalent of a mortgage. Raising a big loving family is actual fantasy for most people now, and impregnation is now a fetish instead of being something normal and expected.

I'll have kids after I brb Gensokyo.


dumb sperm donatard


you would need to secure a shitton of support for all those mothers first and foremost
and it can't be some forced marriage thingy because then you're gonna end up with a LOT of domestic abuse
you'd have the jaded messy haired veteran megane girl on her third preggersnancy going saa shouganai as she smokes a fag while telling the kouhais that they'll get used to it
and the VERY genki one that actually wants to have a fourth or even fifth because hey what's more precious than children i already worked my ass off to feed my nine brothers and now they can support me it's no biggie
>assuming people even still cared about that in such a world
mai waifu does NOT have sex with men only with women who use sperm-hose dildonators


>higher education and bigger families are at odds with one another
Because by the time you graduate and work yourself into a financially stable position your quality of life expectations have risen so high that raising one child at that level costs what a poor person would need to spend on three. If you have the kids by that point then the extra costs don't factor into it.

Assuming there is no rule to also raise the kids, younger girls having babies and then sending them to older couples for adoption, while certainly strange by our standards, would technically form a stable loop that solves a lot of the issues you're talking about.

Even assuming schools didn't do anything significant to account for the change, middle/high school are hardly difficult to pass and college has no time limit. You could have two kids in high school or take a year off to have the second before starting if you planned to go to uni, or just take fewer hours per semester.

Schools, especially universities, have put a lot more investment into from-home programs since covid and that syncs quite nicely with child-rearing concerns. Grandparents and other family are also going to be a lot more readily available.

The average person very obviously can afford to have kids and wants to. If 60% of the population had no kids we'd be in dire fucking straights. The issue is too many people waiting too late and having too few, so by front-loading the costs and tying it to the individual's QoL prospects you can make sure it gets prioritized over things that can still be easily accomplished later in life.


It wouldn't fix the biggest problem which is housing affordability. In fact that would just make things worse.
And that scheme would essentially just be barring women from higher education as women would not be able to afford to or be in a position to have children so therefore could not get an education.

Also Abe never had children.


It would definitely encourage earlier marriages, but people would still get to choose who they marry.


When girls become such a liability (they either become uneducated NEETs or endure the double stress of education and caretaking) average people will just sell them for quick money to the rich who can afford caretakers, or more likely not having children in the first place if such practice is illegal.

So yes, it might work to increase the family size of the rich, but at a cost of massive reduction of total births.


Just the thought of a big preggo belly in a JK uniform gives me a huge boner


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I wanna rub a big preggo belly




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