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File:Screenshot 2023-03-20 at 1….png (7.3 MB,1603x7987)

 No.105447[View All]

A breath of fresh air after the barren wasteland that was Winter, I'm actually looking forwards to a lot of the things airing this coming Spring. From only the short runthrough I've done I was able to immediately spot:
-Megu anime
-Mahoutsukai no Yome S2
-Witch from Mercury S2
-Tengoku Daimakyou
And the rest look like they could have potential as well, as I didn't write off most of them from the title. So is there anything in particular /qa/ is looking at?
198 posts and 96 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:[SubsPlease] Isekai One Tu….jpg (384.73 KB,1920x1080)

I haven't finished some of these since I've been occupied doing other stuff, but I'll my impressions anyway:

Magical Destroyers (finished) - Meh. Kind of interesting at the beginning, especially with Shobon as a bad guy, but it didn't really deliver on anything. Some nice visuals. No one will remember this, sadly.

Ousama Ranking (finished)
- I liked it, but I can see how people wouldn't like 9 episodes of backstories for side characters. Really nice show that feels and looks like a Western fairy tail. A movie was just announced for it and hopefully they're working on a real season 2 to move the story forward.

Heavenly Delusion (finished) - Great. Nice atmosphere and the separate storylines that connect the past and future encourage you to create theories in your head. It's probably going to be a few people's favorite show of the season. A very "to be continued" last episode, so let's hope for another season and not just an advertisement for the source material.

Idolmaster - Great. Cute. Fantastic show to unwind and relax and have your soul healed. Blatant lack of Sachiko. Should reduce its use of filters, but it does hide the 3D objects in scenes fairly well.

Kaminaki - Unique comedy, often sexy. Really great show. I'm not a huge fan of the serious parts, but they're decent.

Konosuba S3 (finished) - If it didn't have the Konosuba expectations it would probably be higher rated. But, as it is it didn't live up to them. Still good, but not amazing. Megumin works best as someone that reacts to other characters rather than as a starring role. Yunyun is nice.

Dead Mount Death Play - Really fun. Some great characters like Solitaire make it quite a fun show at times. It's a fairly serious show, but at the same time full of comedic relief. Probably criminally underrated elsewhere on the internet.

Megami Cafe (episodes behind) - Nice show. It can be more serious than you'd expect from a harem situation and it has some nice ecchi shots. I almost want to say that it feels oldschool, whatever that would mean. Nice humorous moments and it's cute and relaxing. I like it a lot. I wish it was a VN.

One Hit Kill Neesan (episodes behind) - Very fun. Lots of great girls. As generic isekai go this one does it very well. I think the stream really missed out when it voted this off because it has lots of great humor and video game references. Kilmaria is the girl of the season if you ask me. You should watch this if you aren't already.

Jijou wo blahblah - The show featuring the voice of /qa/! Really cute and sometimes quite emotional. Another show people should have given more of a chance. The premise of the boy being an idiot and the girl getting embarrassed from his praise is played out a lot in every episode, and yet it's still quite enjoyable. I find myself cheering for the characters. I love this show.

Oshi no Ko - The movie-length first episode was quite impressive, but the show has not delivered at all on its premise. The visuals are absolutely fantastic and I like Kana a lot, which the creators of the show also seem to agree with as she gets a lot of screentime, but she's supposedly unrelated to the story of the show. There's supposed to be a underlying plot of revenge here, but it's nowhere to be seen. What are they doing?
Enjoyable show, but among the greatest anime of all time as the rating sites would lead you to believe.

Kawaiisugi Crisis (dropped)- Good premise, but failed to deliver. It's a show about cute animals, but the artstyle doesn't depict them as cute and too much of the focus is on the people, such as people having twitter or youtube accounts about animals. Not good, sadly.

Tomato Gundam - It's pretty good. I'm personally not a fan of political intrigue in shows, but when I ignore that the characters and action are pretty good. I can't rate this fairly because I'm just not a Gundam or mecha guy, generally speaking.

Yuusha no Shinda (episodes behind)- A better version of Konosuba S3. Great bodies on the girls. The humor is often quite juvenile, but no one truly outgrows that stuff. Since I mentioned her earlier, one of the girls is voiced by Sachiko's VA. I feel like it's missing something that keeps it from being a great show. Best OP of the season at least.

Shoukan (the "summoned twice" isekai) (episodes behind) - Another generic isekai, but it's alright. It has some cute non-human girls in it. Strongly average. Probably not worth trying.

It didn't debut this season, but I think it's worth mentioning that Precure remains as a fantastic show.


>Enjoyable show, but among the greatest anime of all time as the rating sites would lead you to believe.
Bleh, and I even scanned the post before I hit "submit".
I mean 'Oshi No Ko' is NOT the greatest


>but I think it's worth mentioning that Precure remains as a fantastic show.

Precure is in a cycle of really good series-meh series-really good right now
Long may it last


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (360.99 KB,1920x1080)

Yeah, I've said that myself. It makes me a bit sad for even-numbered years, though.


I swear to god this post made start to write some paragraphs again but I'm gonna cobble it together and keep it short:

In terms of commentary, it either shows things as bad without even going into why they're bad or why people may do them (/o/taku in the closet, dude gaming too hard) or are set up against a strawman that's detached from reality (like the old guard, whose families go "we knew all along!" while the oldtaku leader says "I lost my family!" like a complete retard).
Many if not most episodes are filler in terms of plot, they don't advance anything and removing them would barely alter the story (like the three episodes above).
Characters are not meaningfully challenged, conflicts are repeatedly beaten through nothing but dat otaku spirit. The most development they had was in episode 1, and everyone agrees it was forced as hell.
They don't have any depth to them either: Blue is a slut, Pink is a gobo gobo, the supporting otaku don't have any personality beyond their enthusiasm, Shobon is buttmad at the internet. Two out of four Heavenly Kings get instakilled by Slayer, who is later killed by Shobon in turn. Why? Because. All the villains are killed off before they can undergo change.
Even as the city gets destroyed, it somehow doesn't feel like there's any development.
Everyone and their mother anticipated the dream/simulation/whatever three months ago, but it was somehow worse than that.
The common thing to do after that type of reveal is to break out or make it implode, but neither thing happens. Everyone's an NPC, so they stay inside the computer and do absolutely nothing. Shobon literally writing the script is a massive letdown because it's a mastermind plan with no resolution, dude basically created Minecraft just to go around poking cows. Then Otaku Hero dies purely for shock value, three minutes later Sir Literally Who pops up as a successor and the rebellion moves on because duhhh how else are you gonna justify the gacha. It has no impact on the plot, we're back to square one minus the magical trio.

So yeah, it sucks big time. Only cool thing about it is the trippy visuals it's got here and there, which to me are mostly limited to episode 3.


>Shoukan (the "summoned twice" isekai) (episodes behind) - Another generic isekai, but it's alright

You must be a lot of episodes behind because it went from proudly passable to downright awful in the latter part.


I didnt watch the show but I didnt expect it to be that violent


do you hate anime or something


File:vlcsnap✝[SubsPlease] Iseka….png (1.06 MB,1280x720)

>One Hit Kill Neesan
I am pleasantly surprised how well produced the show is. For being a generic-satiric isekai the animation and even sound design was better than I expected. It's probably the best of the isekai shows this season, or atleast the most competent one. I kinda hope it gets another season but I could see it overstaying it's welcome fast.


>overstaying it's welcome fast.
Yeah, isekai like this turn into "JUST FUCK ALREADY


Nah, I just dislike it when something so mediocre tries to pull meta stuff. It's stuck in a limbo of its protagonist being perma-hyped while somewhat rejecting escapism but not really? It's kind of incoherent all throughout, with no consistent message beyond openness. Denchi Shoujo did it better because unleashed otaku hype was the sole culprit behind the city getting nuked so the MC had a reason to be wary of embracing it.


I really enjoyed Heavenly Hellhole but I like old Showa anime where most of the production values went into framing and the art department.
I understand if that isn't everyone's cup of tea, along with the mysterybox format.


The present part of Tengoku was nice as a post-apocalyptic roadtrip.


File:[Subsplease] Isekai One Tu….mp4 (28.61 MB,1280x720)

Finished marathon'ing the last 4 episodes of Nee-san and I have to say that it's really a great show. I think this was mentioned before somewhere, but it's the first show produced by studio Gekkou https://anilist.co/studio/7284/Gekkou and it was a great one. I could feel the passion in it, even if it's clear it didn't have the highest budget at times. So much animation skill on display in various forms, from battles to bouncy breasts to MP4-related.

It's really disgusting that it has a freaking 59% rating on anilist and a 6.3 on MAL. People really have terrible taste, don't they?


holy shit that's awesome


>Denchi Shoujo did it better
Whoah there, Destroyers was bad, but it wasn't generic otaku-bait harem bad.

There's at least some value in Destroyers being Shobon's internal conflict between becoming a salaryman and still wanting to pursue his dreams. Execution was not great though and they spent way too much time in the mid episodes doing things that didn't advance the story. Could've easily condensed Phase I into 6-8 episodes, and then started into Phase II.


>Shobon's internal conflict between becoming a salaryman and still wanting to pursue his dreams.
That feels like your interpretation and not what the anime spent its time on. I don't think Shobon was conflicted over anything, he doesn't back down, flinch, or doubt himself, he just complains about critics a handful of times.


cool mecha


I phrased that poorly. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I interpreted both Otaku Hero and Shobon to represent the creator. Shobon is the cynical side that has rejected the otaku community and blames it for his failures; he thinks that if he isn't allowed to have fun, no one should be allowed to have fun. Otaku Hero is the hopeful side that still believes in the dream; he wants to be a part of the otaku community and wants them to accept him and acknowledge the things that he likes and creates.


It's a neat way to look at it, and had the original Otaku Hero been a genuine bug in the machine as if it were part of Shobon's conscience bubbling back up that would've made sense, but since Hero's life was entirely preplanned and there was no synthesis between the two characters at the end, the idea doesn't really work out. As in, it's hard to say they're two halves when they never come together, they're just opposed to one another.


Man, at first I thought the script was cool, but the more I think about it the more it seems to screw everything up.


good visual effects are enough to trick someone into thinking something is overall high quality. But it's art style is genuinely amazing that people calling the story flawed are missing the point


Shouldn't have had a serious story.


done to aid a visual style


It's not an aid if it upsets people.



i really, really like when she does the wiggle


In those cases, it's AIDS.


Well yeah, there's no final resolution because it's only Phase I. Phase I is about how the creator tried to kill off the optimistic side, then Phase II is about it's still there inside of him. Presumably this eventually leads to some resolution where they are able to make peace with each other.

It's all preplanned because that's the story. It's the creator's struggle with his personal demons, presented as art for the player/viewer. Even the facade of Otaku Hero "rewriting" the storyboards is still part of the true script of the story, kind of like in Star Ocean 3 where the characters "escape" from the video game world into the "real world" but in the end they're still inside the Star Ocean game and are following the script of it. It's a "twist" thrown in there for entertainment.


Hmmmm. Even if that theory is true, there are better ways to go about it.


File:[SubsPlease] Jigokuraku - ….jpg (331.84 KB,1920x1080)

Sasuga kusome, literally saw it coming from a mile away and it did the same exact fucking thing. Is the author done yet or are we going to keep going through backstories into immediate deaths?


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About the doll that came out of nowhere: in the manga, they use a Mitama doll to keep Gaia in the village and distract her while the rest of the gang goes after the kids. You can see her here licking the doll's eye and realizing something's amiss.


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Here's a couple pics of Typhon.


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Aaaand the Mad Max reference that got cut...


mashle is funny
the moral of the story is supposed to be that we're all equal despite differences in birth
but the mc was born a superhuman better than everyone else and barely has any hard work behind his insane power it's all genetics


that's not true, the moral is that the strong should pull the weak up to their level. That it's a society built around protecting the weak that encourages people to perform better than one which purges them


hell they even outright state this through gravity guy's backstory his sister is going to lose her magical ability and be purged and the occasional smart things Mashle says...


the name mashle is very funny and i giggle every time i read it


speaking of mashle it apparently just ended, the manga that is


File:[SubsPlease] Kaminaki Seka….png (1.15 MB,1920x1080)

I really like Yukito, he's my favorite character of the season. Individually he's powerless, he has to run away or else be captured/raped/killed/all of the above, and it's only by getting people on his side through whatever means necessary that he can manage to defend the village from the archons. Kind of like a neutral SMT protagonist whose only superpower is advanced tard wrangling. He's ruthless but not edgy, generally nice to his friends, and doesn't hold grudges either. Cool dude.

Who was your favorite character, Anonymous?


File:[SubsPlease] Dead Mount De….jpg (237.72 KB,1920x1080)

Yukito is good, I agree. It's good to see a main character like him. Kaminaki really was a great show (well, haven't watched last episode), although like many other isekai-like shows the most interesting stuff is often at the beginning when he starts at nothing.
I'm not very good at picking favorites, but my favorite might be Solitaire. He's a very entertaining guy as he deals with supernatural people trying to kill him and maintains his humorous personality.


I think Kaminaki can be divided into two parts: pre-contact and post-contact. At first the focus is on kickstarting the cult as a preventative measure against the vague threat of the Empire, and how that starts to snowball, but after bringing down the Assembly it becomes a matter of fighting against individual archons each arc. I'd say the moment where it pivots is when they meet Atar.
And yeah, Solitaire's hijinks make for some of the best parts in Dead Mount. Taking over a bunch of zeppelins so you can broadcast a symbol whose meaning you don't even know to everyone else in the city, the balls on this guy...


File:[SubsPlease] Megami no Caf….jpg (273.54 KB,1920x1080)

Need to marathon the last 5 episodes of Megami no Cafe Terrace. Season 2 was announced!


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The deaths are predictable, but honestly I don't think it's all bad. There is some value in establishing the dead as people instead of Crewman #5. We've whittled it down to a manageable cast now for S2, and with the I won't let anyone else die line from Sagiri I hope we'll see a shift to the relationships/teamwork of the remaining cast instead of one-off death episodes.


I saw the deleted post.


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Wow, what an amazing observation. You're really good at that.


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I enjoying somewhat depressing Tomato Gundam S2. (Is there really not a general anime discussion thread somewhere...)


enjoying... it is too late for me to be posting...


File:[SubsPlease] Mobile Suit G….jpg (230.78 KB,1920x1080)

A somewhat happy problem to have is that /qa/ threads don't live as long as they used to or I'd link the /qa/ thread someone made for it back then. There are posts about it in the mecha thread at least: >>68627
Or... feel free to make a thread for it! There were quite a few fans of it here and I also watched all of it (it was in seasonal stream) so there are people around to talk about it for sure.

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