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File:C-1696038591194.gif (19.24 KB,380x372)


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What's the best way to say it?


You mean when you're sarcastically making fun of something, right?


ebin fug tibe


yeah sure that works


Ebin, simply ebin




Ebin :DDD


Not a word I find myself using, but guess I have to go with Spurdo's rendition since people assume the original word is ironic


It's neat that people instinctually realize /b/ is the voiced counterpart of /p/, but I'm honestly not sure where the /n/ comes from. It's basically got nothing to do with /k/.


It's a portmanteau of 'epic win', not a pronunciation shift from /k/ to /n/.


I see...
From 2009. Yeah, that explains it, like how eric isn't a shift either but an association.


The 2009 thing was a spambot + bumpbot campaign to see if I could get /b/ to call themselves sheep. It died out quickly once it was no longer being forced by ghostbumping, and it's probably unrelated to the Finnish meme.


File:shut up homo efg.jpg (29.63 KB,600x614)


I want to vote ebin, but I find my self actually using epic way more. It's just so perfect for sarcasm.

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