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File:1a0c99ad6ec562ea24b5e1a189….jpg (762.62 KB,800x1119)


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4 is definitely the ideal one. She's even blushing!
Not a fan of hypnosis stuff, though, unless it's a villain getting their comeuppance


Body control is just rape without the violence.
Mind control is ideal for actually accomplishing things, but makes the sex boring.
Knowledge control is great for big changes like replacing the target of a crush, but removes all eroticism from small things like skirt lifting.
Impulse control is the hottest, but prone to backfiring.


The absolute best would be a mix between 1 and 4, but if I had to pick just one, then 1 is the best.


File:twohoe.png (400.11 KB,555x387)

hypnosis is a state where an individual becomes detached from reality, assuming by the way marisa speaks and how much she appears to be conscious in some panels, i will assume she is somewhat aware even if it is unrealistic (but who cares)

morally speaking both 4 and 3 is less bad due to it's nature of her being responsive and also how cooperative they are in the sense that they don't make much of a fuss.

1 and 2 (probably 4 but that is debatable) is rape no matter how you look at it especially the 2 due to her inability to even give a comment on the situation.

1 and 4 are way better options compared to 2 considering that they are somewhat conscious in the sense they are aware though those options can affect the future relationship between marisa and the hypnotist.

one thing to take into account is that it is unknown if 2 can't even remember what had happened let alone be conscious at the time of the hypnosis.

that leaves 3 to be the more viable and the least fucked up option out of the rest since she is not only aware of what is going on but it will also not affect the relations between she and the hypnotist.

my explanation in picking 3 is obviously looked at (mostly) in a moral perspective and didn't take into account other perspectives but again who cares? there are probably holes in my explanation and i could've been more reasonable but fuck it.


4 is only moral if she already wanted to lift her skirt and you just removed her inhibitions, and even then it's only okay if she consented to it. I think it's fair to assume she didn't, so 4 is akin to drugging her.
3 is the most immoral thing up there since you are forcibly reshaping her mind, the very essence of who she is, to your desire and taking away the common social understanding needed to participate in society.
1 is the most moral by far since you're only violating her body while leaving her with the sanctity of her mind.


>hypnosis is a state where an individual becomes detached from reality,
Time to test it! I found this book:
>A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis: https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/22814


i voted 3 because i like the :3 face


i would still argue that 3 is more moral then 1 considering that although she is responsive and aware, it will mentally scar her i.e PTSD and with your explanation on 3 being valid, one must ask the question, would the hypnotist rather have her mind being reshaped for 20 minutes of pleasure (with the assumption that she would return to her usual self after hypnosis) or mentally traumatize her for the rest of her life as the hypnotist does what he does whilst marisa can't do anything?

>so 4 is akin to drugging her
anon, you described it best


nice, thanks for the free book


is this a generational difference
feels like people used to like 1 and 2 type scenarios much more


its like how people arent into tentacle rape anymore


honestly i'm not into rape period
male on female, that is


i love japan period


im on my period


3 is the least rapey


That's a very utilitarian perspective, but I still don't think raping someone who can't consent is less immoral than raping someone who can't fight back. You're essentially trying to justify date rape here.


looking back at my comments, i can see why it looks like am trying to justify date rape, obviously the use of hypnosis on marisa (or anyone for that matter) is generally immoral and bad in of it self without consent, i am more looking at the less bad option out of the four but we can all agree that it is wrong for someone to even consider using hypnosis to rape.


It depends, I think.
Well, Marisa is an established and beloved character and not a one-off doujin girl, so I'd chose the option that I thought was least harmful to her.
A lot of the time I see hypnosis/body/mind control stuff it's established in the first few pages that the character is a jerk and there's a mixture of karmic revenge in it.
When If first read the image I thought it was going to be different and I actually voted for 1 because it reminded me of the "hips moving on my own" thing.


File:[Doki] New Game! - 10 (128….jpg (64.36 KB,530x716)

The only thing I know about Marisa is that she stole the precious thing, so I think she deserves to be hypnosis raped.


why does 1 have so few votes....
ENF is literally the hottest thing ever...........


Its CFNM era now...


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4 except that she's not hypnotised at all.


How does 4 compare to pheromones? Is there any real difference between the two?


Because it's still changing their mind from its normal state to one manually altered by you. Phermones are more an arousal heightening thing usually that assume the base personality and will are still there so they could fight against it if they tried hard enough.


I miss drugs


they invariably lose though

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