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File:[SubsPlease] Yumemiru Dans….jpg (260.75 KB,2560x720)


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Choose carefully.






File:33408836_p0.jpg (184.94 KB,889x1000)

Babaloli is fine too.


Cute young girl!


I'm sorry but in no world is that hag a girl....


File:media-2.png (33.35 KB,431x679)

suddenly, i love hags!


File:31238689_p0.jpg (162.47 KB,540x700)

I love my babushka.


I like a mature mind


File:1639913843029.jpg (466.9 KB,875x1050)

Surprised it's so one-sided. I thought gap moe could defeat your lolicon urges.


File:[SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushi….jpg (283.26 KB,1920x1080)

This is actually kind of hard to choose for me. The lolibaba thing is a bit played out, but it's that way for a reason.
But, I voted for girl who looks like a woman. Although, for a proper choice I need to know more about the situation. A mature, sexy body attached to a vibrant, cheerful youthful personality sounds pretty great to me, though.
Really need more information...


File:ddc9c7177148da5907771b8674….jpg (130.36 KB,521x788)

My brothers


Nobody likes immature people


well to me the question sounds like unsexy tard vs sexy non-tard so yeah


File:sample_9feb87f4f85a7ced9ec….jpg (277.49 KB,850x1133)

a child with the body of an adult sounds like a very unfortunate scenario to me
a mature body with the intelligence of someone who can't consent *shudders*
though i'm not morally against the idea of sexing a tard. tards are cute. i see the appeal.


File:1438887003175.jpg (788.75 KB,2256x3200)

Children are not tards! They have bright and inquisitive minds.


the tardsexer


Wish Aho girl ended with tardsex


I don't know why but that really made me laugh for some raisin.


changing my vote to a baby who looks like a woman


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (321.72 KB,1920x1080)


quads of elle-chan autographing my post


That's her powering up to beat you up


my big sister elle-chan powers up to beat me up every day

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