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File:F4TzqGdbMAA3VB8.jpg (85.25 KB,1242x1200)


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You will get $100 million, but you have to choose one of the above.


Bald, no contest.


you mean I could be taller?


can I delay until I'm just bald naturally?


Men will pick bald.
Women will pick short.
People with access to corrective surgery will pick eyesight.


This is barely even a choice.


heh im already bald, short, and with bad eyesight i knew it would pay off eventually




165 cm = 5'4
yeah i'll take being short
i'm already self-conscious about being too tall, so it works out


Can't I pick all three and get $300 million?


I'm gonna scoop you up.


none of them I dont want to lose my awesome eyesight just for cash


wigging out with wigs


File:[SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushi….jpg (243 KB,1920x1080)

I don't see any stipulation on how to spend the money, so couldn't I choose bald and then spend some money on a hair transplant or something? If that's implied, then I guess I can afford some nice hats


Yeah, if there was some other condition attached, like "and there's also a curse that prevents you from getting a hair transplant" maybe I would think twice, but otherwise baldness seems the easiest and safest out of these to undo. With height your only option is getting leg lengthening surgery which apparently will cripple you for a few months. Eyesight affects daily tasks so you wouldn't want to risk something going wrong. With a hair transplant, if something does go wrong the worst thing that'll happen is you stay bald.


Who even came up with this?
165cm is only one standard deviation below average for Japanese men, whereas an eyesight of 0.1 is the defining line for being considered legally blind in the US.


I have no idea. It was trending on Japanese Twitter.

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