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File:koruri bleppy.jpg (560.08 KB,1354x720)


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File:[Anime-Anarchy]_Sadamitsu_….jpg (70.62 KB,640x480)

Within one standard deviation of course.


thats why you tick multiple checkboxes


IQ according to which test, though? My evaluation used WAIS-IV.


File:[SubsPlease] TenPuru - 04 ….jpg (279.15 KB,1920x1080)

Well, it's not a word I ever use, but I would take a guess that it means "of middle wit" which would mean average? So, 100? I guess it wouldn't be above average, so I'd have to go with 95-100


Anything higher than that of the person using the term.


The wide spread of responses indicates that you should not use the term because people will take it to mean almost any IQ level that's not mad scientist.


Any IQ lower than mine, which is 125 (tested on various different internet IQ tests over the years) (yeah, I know, I'm pretty smart)


voted for everything except the middle


Took an IQ test when as a kid, to get in an accelerated program at school. It pegged me at 120 or 121. And given my experience with people throughout life that aren't family, I'd say I'm on the upper end of the midwit range because I've come across a lot of "midwits". That probably means I'm a midwit too. So anything between 125-100 seems like a good range, encompassing the midwit-spectrum.

I think that's the intent of the word or at least an expected result. A midwit is supposed to be someone that is smarter than average but not a genius.


I've found that the real indicator of midwit-ness is regular use of the word 'midwit'. The vast majority of people I've met who use that term have been these internet dipshits who learn about philosophy from youtube videos.


Making regular comments about the intelligence of others is a bad sign in general.


>I think that's the intent of the word
The intent is to insult people who think they're really smart just because they're not complete idiots, specifically people who criticize art for being shallow when they fail to understand the deeper layer of it. For example, someone who sees past EVA's religious imagery as being random nonsense there to look cool but doesn't understand the emotional issues Shinji is going through would be considered a midwit. It's elitists looking down on plebs who can't appreciate true art, it's not actually about IQ.


iunno i honestly had to look up the word's definition for this thread because in every context i saw it it was interchangeable with idiot/moron/retard/etc


>plebs who can't appreciate true art
I would say that's part of the difference between a genius and an above average intelligence or "smart" person. And the term isn't exclusive to creative endeavors, it's often used in reference to not understanding something on a deeper level. As an example, the "midwit" thinks quantum mechanics is all about probabilities and the "genius" knows it's just algebra.


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All of them are midwits compared to a 300 IQ genius


True enlightenment is having seen Showa Ultraman and knowing about all the imagery and cinematographic techniques Anno took from there.


This sounds like pseud with extra steps.


And worse morphology, I should add.


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I took an IQ test once and I legitimately scored like 85 points. I don't think i'm tarded or anything, but in my defense the test wasn't in my native tongue (I'm ESL) and most of the questions had to do with math and logical reasoning, which I suck at.


iq tests are like all about the conversion of language into logic


i'm too smart for tests


File:2022-11-04-082140.jpg (100.79 KB,960x544)

I had never heard of this term. Apparently it's some /pol/ meme. Therefore I'm going to have to agree with >>3158. By definition the people using it have to be low IQ, so the people they're labeling must be at least 3 billion IQ.


You might be surprised if you looked up a map of worldwide IQ comparisons. There is an astounding amount of 75-90 iq people using the internet.


/pol/ meme? it's from /lit/


I thought it was from the culture warrior Vox Day.


That's even worse then. At least /pol/ has the excuse of being filled with actual retards.


cumbrain was also a /lit/ meme iirc


Its only natural for readers to want have a couple synonyms for psued. The intent is the same, no? Its like the way they use tryhard in a different way than the rest of the internet


Shinji's emotional issues are pretty silly as well in my opinion, everybody in the series is written pretty poorly and everything is way too over dramatised.

But that's just my opinion and really that's what views on art are, opinions and they often aren't connected to intelligence at all in fact most often that would be the case as most art is after an emotional response and not a logical one.


third hijack


Its been almost 30 years. Its time to let it go


Is Pripara the evangelion of family anime? (Starting the trend of making it funny for all ages)


It deconstructs aspiring idols better than most - I've known girls that thought they were gonna be pop stars, its more comical than anything


Remember Gekidol? Now that was a wild ride.

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