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File:[MoyaiSubs] Reiwa no Di Gi….jpg (256.05 KB,1920x1080)


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Alright, it's time to vote for shows to KEEP. Your IP needs at least one kissu post in order to vote.
Show order for the season will be determined by votes with Precure staying at the beginning and low scorers being dropped from the stream entirely. Shorts, as usual, are not up for voting since they're so short and if you hate it you can just do something else for 3 minutes.
Streams are never set it stone, we could decide to drop something by vote if it turns out to be mediocre, or if a show is found to be great it can be added later on.
(lots of boys this season, huh)


damn i might just vote for all of these we'll see


i can skip like maybe 3 at most like a lot of these


remember to vote for fat satahy


File:[SubsPlease] TenPuru - 02 ….jpg (364.5 KB,1920x1080)

Heck yeah. I'm glad people agree with me on Tempuru and it actually has the most votes as of my comment right now. I was hoping that the studio's second ever show would have animation as charming as Nee-san's and I think it might have already surpassed it.
I'm expecting great things

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