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File:[MoyaiSubs] Reiwa no Di Gi….png (2.15 MB,1920x1080)


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It's time for the summer seasonal stream. Hopefully we can eliminate some shows this week.
Vote for shows that you DO NOT want to see again.
Again, voting for a show means you do DISLIKE it or otherwise do not want to see it in the stream. I don't know the show order yet, so these are in a random order. Huh, lots of boys this time.
I hope I didn't forget any.


this list is surprisingly ok with a few subtractions from the fantasy-isekai types


any thoughts on the list of drops?


File:[SubsPlease] Lv1 Maou to O….jpg (279.83 KB,1920x1080)

Yes, Maou is getting too many votes and Unique skill hasn't gotten enough.


THICK lines for a PLUMP girl


It was the only thing I voted on because it's already given me everything about it at once and I'm not really enthusiastic about it. But then again, I prefer serious content over comedy.


File:[SubsPlease] TenPuru - 01 ….jpg (493.08 KB,1920x1080)

I'm glad people like TenPuru. I wasn't sure how it would go down, but I liked it.
There doesn't seem to be any losers that are getting eliminated yet, although I'm surprised to see the Level 1 Maou one get any votes at all.
Some shows I anticipate becoming boring, like the vending machine one, but the first episode was pretty good.

Well, and the problem with later shows is there were 3-4 less people at the end so I might give those votes a heavier weight.


It kind of has a more real harem style where the guy at the center isn't instantly accepted because he has some sort of moral/economic/professional level of superiority. He's a slime bag who is understood to be one and has to redeam himself in front of the rest of the cast.

Well, that's what I'm hoping will still be the case in a few episodes.


File:1503620950564.png (233.23 KB,427x543)

The "supernatural being becomes a hikkiNEET" genre is somehow even more uninspired and samey than isekai stories and "demon king and hero after the game is over" is probably the most overdone setup it could have used for it. It also has NOTHING to do with One Room.


>supernatural being becomes a hikkiNEET
But the Maou isn't the hikkiNEET. It's the hero, and the Maou is his Misaki.


i think we can count the hero as honorary supernatural since he's at least superhuman

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