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File:[SubsPlease] Tensei Kizoku….jpg (297.24 KB,1920x1080)


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I really don't have any strong inclinations towards any one anime in particular this season. So I'll be relying on you, kissu, to make the choice for me.




File:C-1688670888521.png (2.42 MB,1920x1080)

There's really only one choice, right?


File:vlcsnap✝[SubsPlease] Kono ….png (1.44 MB,1920x1080)

This season is hard to really choose, nothing really felt like it dominated the site discussion, and most of the discussion that did happen was negative and limited to a few threads i feel like.


I was also going to write that nothing dominated as much as it's happened in other seasons, though there was a lot of stuff that was liked: Houkago Insomnia, Tengoku, Kaminaki, OTK Nee-san, Oshigoto, Dead Mount, Jijou, Gundam, Idolmaster, all had their own share of threads.

Though, it seems to me Im@s overshadowed the rest, so that's the one I'm gonna vote for.


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (514.1 KB,1920x1080)

Hmmm.... I have to agree with the post above me. There was a variety of stuff and nothing was leagues above the others. I also agree that the Idolm@ster seemed the most /qa/, not least of which because of a certain girl's extremely brief cameo.
Oshi no Ko did get a lot of spirited discussion, though, so that would probably be my second place since it got people interested enough to talk. Well, so did Magical Destroyers, although that one was generally more negative.
I think Neesan got a lot of threads and posts for a show that wasn't in the stream, so that's high up, too.
And that's why I'm voting for Iseleve.


File:loli juice.png (408.96 KB,500x667)

>And that's why I'm voting for Iseleve.
I know you're lying because I voted for Iseleve and there is only one vote for it


Pretty close poll, not really sure which deserves it....


File:[SubsPlease] The IDOLM@STE….jpg (265 KB,1920x1080)

TWO days left
Don't forget to vote!


File:1467999126189.jpg (471.17 KB,680x933)

I had forgotten.

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