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File:loli sakura RPG.jpeg (Spoiler Image,168.43 KB,1986x2048)


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What are your thoughts on moving >>>/qa/72689 to >>>/ec/ ?
Felt like doing it for a while and occasionally it's come up about wanting to post NSFW without spoilers.
But some people think it's visibility and interest will be lost on /ec/


I guess I don't really have much of a preference. Posting NSFW stuff without spoilers or just in general would be nice


uhhh, then why am I still the only one who's voted to move it...


actual discussion feels out of place on /ec/


I need to think about it.


have you ever been on 4chan/h/



The entire board is discussion threads around hgames and various similar topics. AI threads, game threads, imagedumps, doujin threads.

Yet non-4chan imageboards have it stuck in there head that things have to conform to various standards and can't break the mold. Rigid thinking plagues the industry.


I'd prefer to keep it on /qa/ because /ec/ is hidden by default on /all/


Don't lie to people. That place is as rigid as it gets.


then you voted for it to be moved to /ec/?


File:20221214132306_1.jpg (216.11 KB,1280x800)

games can usually generate a little more discussion than images can, i only occasionally visit /ec/ and keep it off my visible boards because i like reading peoples thoughts more than getting fed images. keep it on /qa/!


sure, but again it's forcing definition onto /ec/ and removing it from /qa/


>and occasionally it's come up about wanting to post NSFW without spoilers
Would it be possible to add a 'view NSFW by default' option? It would make browsing threads with a lot of such images much smoother, while still having the ability to hide them as necessary.


I didn't vote because I dislike that type of thread format and it doesn't matter to me where a thread I have no interest in using is placed. I'd prefer it if people could create their own threads relating to eroge on whichever board they felt was most appropriate for the post and the intended discussion, so I'm only invested in keeping that option on the table.


You're so smarmy it's intolerable


File:[SubsPlease] Buddy Daddies….jpg (216.5 KB,1920x1080)

I think I will go ahead and potentially do a sort of "let's play" type format thread on /ec/ for the Portals of Phereon game I've been playing, but I do wonder how many people have /ec/ hidden, or maybe the better question would be how many people have chosen to unhide it from /all/.
Maybe the UI could have some sort of visual cue when boards are hidden from /all/? Hmm, but that would probably look ugly


it would be kind of 'in your face'

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