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/megu/ - Megumin 2.0

Pitiful creature... Synchronize yourself with the red smoke, and atone in a surge of blood! Burst Forth, EXPLOSION!

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 File:00035-936255645.png (893.28 KB,848x952)


And then to top it off, furry patchy


 File:00097-2696602770 (1).png (748.13 KB,936x752)

¥/megu/ and furry patchy


Oh a thread already exists, nice.
I'm going to also use this thread for Patchy adventure generations that came out too sexual


 File:00401-1girl,_angry,_v-shap….png (622.38 KB,648x864)

patchy boobie


 File:00435-1girl,_(patchouli_kn….png (663 KB,648x864)

pretty cool, I'll have to try this artist later since I picked it randomly


 File:00502-1girl,_(table_1.6),_….png (427.55 KB,752x864)

Apparently "NSFW, nude and nipples" in the negative isn't enough sometimes
might be the artist


 File:00506-1girl,_holding_(poti….png (790.17 KB,744x864)

Furry Patchy drinking a stronger variant of the potion

[with gigantic breasts tag]


 File:00574-(Alexander_Jansson_1….png (885.82 KB,1136x656)

furry patchy has a hot butt


These are pretty good.


 File:01816-1girl,_pose,_(patcho….png (1.11 MB,768x1152)

Furry Patchy-Reimu did NOT want to come out in a non-sexy way


 File:01848-___BREAK__1girl,_pos….png (938.21 KB,768x1152)


 File:01869-___BREAK__1girl,_pos….png (1.11 MB,768x1152)


 File:01864-___BREAK__1girl,_pos….png (933.32 KB,768x1152)

a dangerous tag combination...


 File:ghostphoto.png (558.69 KB,768x1152)

mysterious third hand


subconscious ecchi mage hand


i put on my robe and wizard hat


 File:00001-4143490484.png (843.83 KB,768x1152)

Tried to recreate this on my own offline model but for some reason I wasn't really able to get close. Although I did get a nice bunch of images from it.


 File:00002-3712214458.png (885.7 KB,768x1152)


 File:00008-2698546455.png (910.75 KB,768x1152)


 File:00009-4186772647.png (834.74 KB,768x1152)


 File:00010-4186772647.png (821.98 KB,768x1152)


 File:00000-2989255577.png (831.78 KB,768x1152)


 File:01095-1girl,_standing,_loo….png (1015.01 KB,864x1152)

this artist was really hard to make a fully sfw patchy so I gave up and switched


That's technically SFW


It is, but it's too distracting

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