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File:[SubsPlease] Puniru wa Kaw….jpg (197.98 KB,1920x1080)



The OFFICIAL indisputable Nico Rankings for the current anime season, read 'em and weep non-believers.


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meanwhile, on the wastelands of anidb.....


File:[SubsPlease] Puniru wa Kaw….jpg (242.63 KB,1920x1080)

As it should be, but I was never a non-believer. Need to update the /ec/ thread now that I think about it...


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>Nico Rankings
sorry but that's a worthless ranking populated by literal kids


I almost forgot that people still watch seasonal anime.


anonymous, what is a list of ratings supposed to prove...


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It validates your taste if what you like is at the top or shows that the plebs have no taste if what you like is at the bottom.
Real simple stuff desu.


I can't read this...


no, but this... this is a list of what a hundred people on a site are watching, the number of viewers that have an account on this third party tv tracker... it's not even a score or representative of any group at large......


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it's the tru otaku list since only tru otaku use tv trackers to make sure they are the first to see the premiere of the late night shows while posting screenshots on futaba channel live watching threads
casuals don't care about premiere, in fact many don't have a tv receiver in the first place
and kids aren't allowed to stay late enough to watch the premiere


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (319.81 KB,1920x1080)

The TVfags were simply unable to appreciate Puniru's greatness and are missing out by not tuning in more.


well i guess i'll let the remaining 1/3rd of the mature otaku base enjoy re:zero and their villainess shows, but the other 2/3rds of those 160 viewers certainly know what's up

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