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Why should anyone ever root for good when evil is so objectively superior?


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (290.11 KB,1920x1080)

kissu is a good girl board!


File:1660411631742873.gif (1.07 MB,500x500)

I don't like hurting people's feelings


Let's begin de gozaimasu!


The more good there is in the world the easier it is to get away with evil.


Being evil is basically stealing good according to Saint Augustine, and as we all know, stealing is for niggers.
So OP, why do you want to be a nigger?


niggers get free shit


Stealing isn't free.


kant btfo


gotta spend money to make money


I keep coming back to this thread for the video because there's something so enthralling about Sango's voice, I love it.

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