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File:jubileemascot2102824.webp (329.29 KB,2166x1522)


Finally... the power of anime and Christ, made official.


Why are there brown people?


File:TLC_Iesua_Nazarenus.png (1.12 MB,960x1280)

You gotta mascot-ify the deity itself if you want to lure in the wotaku, like what they did with Benzaiten at Ryouhou-ji temple.


for the guys who like choco


Looks like some sort of cult...


File:[SubsPlease] NegaPosi Angl….jpg (316.96 KB,1920x1080)

It's like a clipart version of Hello Kitty made for Gaia Online


File:luce-and-friends-10-29-202….jpg (117.74 KB,1086x611)

Half right, it's the Catholic Church.


blue hair looks like she has the hezbollah logo on her jacket, doublely so since it's a yellow background


it's honestly kinda cute
they do look "correct", if that's the word
there's a bunch of actual nip mascot char things that look like this

that being said, my first thought was "oh no, Luce-chan is going to encounter Lucifer-kun's cock" and felt bad about how that was the first thought


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I both love and hate the internet. There's tons of cute fanart of her, and there's also lewd MMD models already… https://files.catbox.moe/8cve6l.mp4


File:[Doki] Onii-chan no Koto n….jpg (412.51 KB,1280x720)

Nice. Sasuga Japan.


File:f7b75f0265cb83ebb48e526f68….jpg (197.51 KB,2048x1535)

Vanquish the heathens!

They should. It's a tradition of Christianity to adapt imagery to the local context. They'd convert so many people if they made Mary a SHAB


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Yeah, it's made by an Italian, you can see his name at the bottom of the OP image, but he's weeaboo enough to do a decent job.
BTW >>82381, he drew Mary too, that's pretty close.
>Luce-chan is going to encounter Lucifer-kun's cock
Some people are making the connection between the two and saying it's satanic, without knowing that Luce literally means "light", from Latin lux. Though to be fair, lowercase lucifer also means "lightbringer". Same root.
BIG angelic areolae.


>if they made Mary a SHAB
and foster LASCIVIOUSNESS among the flock? looks like the one who needs to be vanquished is you, buddy


File:c0ef6a5e392151e20da96e5efe….jpg (150.11 KB,1029x1324)

You read it wrong:

See? Pure and wholesome!


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man's purpose on earth is to BREED


yuno is going to redirect the momentum and BASH MY FACE IN and i will DIE A MARTYR defending the purity of the bride of christ against GODLESS REPROBATES such is my fate goodbye


File:1850979039483224458_1.mp4 (593.61 KB,1280x720)

Holy and pure Luce


the andy girl


she's cute


File:__enoshima_junko_danganron….png (194.43 KB,600x390)

I think it looks neat


File:C-1730225349710.jpeg (29.98 KB,256x351)

I like Toro Benten more.


shes got cowries in her eyes...


File:GbENRzAbgAA_810.jpg (505.53 KB,2339x1654)

Would this change your mind?


It's a scallop shell, a symbol of pilgrimage. It's also why she has a raincoat, muddied boots and the pilgrim's staff. Solid design, IMO.


I hope the Vatican releases its own denpa album soon.


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I think this is the best one so far


I think of him whenever I watch the Dandandan OP. Those round glasses in silhouette...


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little girls have to be safeguarded that's why they go for little boys


going after little boys is a time honored tradition dating back to the time of the buggering greeks.


File:Gbjga4lboAEUXal.jpg (785.67 KB,2190x3000)



How is their no discussion about all the obvious anti-Christian/Jesus imagery featured on this new Cult-tan?


Because Christ-chan is CUTE
and cuteness overrides your gay


Have you seen the early depictions of Jesus? That's basically what he was.


I don't have time to point them all out but they're so obvious. Of course. This is from an organization that names their telescopes after Satan and designed their church to look like a serpent head.

If anon is interested maybe I'll come back and point them out. But anyone that can't see it right off probably hasn't read many religious texts.


Protestants are really funny people.


File:GbosDrTWkAA3Qs7.jpg (700.3 KB,2480x3508)

Don't care. Post more Luce.


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i havent read many religious texts
please tell me why raincoat cirno is an agent of evil


This character is such a fucking bore to look at. Can't wait for it to fade away and stop getting posted.


The Christian related religious text I read was the Arbatel of Magick.


>The Christian related text
I meant, The last Christian related text


baptist nigger fuck off


It's in the name. If we're not pointing out everything wrong we're not protesting enough.



First, Italy is the seat of the anti-christ and you shouldn't trust a people who like Hitler more than freedom.
Second, I heard online somewhere the artist worked on faggot shit before, so the mud probably stands for sodomy or something. Again, don't trust the words of someone whose national identity is based on LARPing as Romans.
Third, angels have cute, small areolae symbolizing their child-like innocence and fuckability.




WRONG areolae should be BIG like their halos or even bigger than that


who's the creator of these


Second one just looks like a Koikatsu or MMD model to me. Not exactly a "creation".


someone created that animation and I want to know who






silly, he's gotten such a reputation over using koikatsu


Well, I suppose koikatsu is pretty freeform in letting you make things so it's not absurd. Just I think of it as like a honeyselect


koikatsu is made by the same company as honey select


Made the ero my 2nd monitor background.

I know this which is why I thought it..but the two are very different


I didn't have time to say this but that's kimo don't lewd Catholic property.


That's it?
Wew I think you might just have a little hateboner for Italy


Reminds me that the church sainted some deceased guy who preached online to his twitch chat

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