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File:1491335713385.png (791.57 KB,1020x1020)


What are /qa/ /jp/'s thoughts on femdom?


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I believe in free markets and the NOP, and that sexual relations, like all other things, should be the consequence of mutual agreements. If the suppliers of poon gain a leveraging power over the other participants in the market, then that only expressed their vital contributions to the economy and ought to be commended.
The Invisible Hand of Amor never errs.


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Assertive women are okay, gentle femdom is okay, hard femdom is not okay.


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I like the gentle femdom that Flim13 does in his videos.


WHY does she always have that tarded smile


It's cute tarded smile don't bully


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I think it's good when a man is used as a chair and ordered to do things he knows he shouldn't do by a much younger girl.


every time i see this flippn gaki my nutbladder aching hurts


I like it, but I don't have much else to say


I've seen this post on 4chan...


it's gay



The entire post? Copied word for word?



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In a proper healthy relationship I believe there should be a give and take where power is evenly distributed. There are times where you should dominate, and times where she should dominate. That said, I'd like it if she was assertive and forward as a simple fact about her; mindgames can be cute, but playing decipher the check engine light in every interaction is very tiring, especially if you cant get a straight answer when you ask them what's wrong.

Borderline hard femdom can be hot too if it's roleplay to spice things up.


it was fine until they gave it a name


imagine how simpler things would be if it weren't for names


I liked strings of saliva/cum until someone called them "stringers"




This sounds nice. Makes it sound less boring.

>but playing decipher the check engine light in every interaction is very tiring
One of the best things about fantasy since just regular human interaction is like this, too.

Isn't just it just S&M? Dominatrix stuff? It's not exactly new. Maybe it's a subgenre or something.

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