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File:[Subsplease] Madome - 01 ….webm (8.21 MB,1280x720)


Pay her? I have no use for such ephemeral transactions.


Just wait for them to update the EULA and locking her pussy until you click Accept.


File:[SubsPlease] Madome - 01 (….jpg (299.04 KB,2038x1916)

It's ok, the most important part of the purchase has already been confirmed.


is it rape if i bypass the EULA verification?


Heh, good luck. I never connected her to the magic guild.




oh my god! is that another slave isekai!! POGGERS


NATIVE slave isekai


You mean a fantasy slave harem story?


File:1520015276616.jpg (101.37 KB,1280x720)

Sorry, you didn't submit to third-party age verification so no sex for you.


File:[SubsPlease] Madome - 02 (….jpg (422.44 KB,1920x1080)

no actually it's a romcom


for WHATEVER REASON, the translated title omits the slave part


File:elf_bride_LN.jpg (866.28 KB,800x1118)

True. As >73319 said, it's omitted from the title.
I was just typing that part out
The original title is 魔王の俺が奴隷エルフを嫁にしたんだが、どう愛でればいい?, where the underlined 奴隷 (dorei) = slave.
For the officially translated light novels, it was removed from the title entirely.
It's quite a cute story and a comfy read imo.


File:[SubsPlease] Madome - 02 (….jpg (399.42 KB,1928x3132)

i don't think she appreciates the clothes i got her
they were very expensive


Dang. I really need to catch up on this....


no! dont go in there expecting ecchi! its a pure story!!


Oh, I figured the image is the elf's misguided imagination, but it's still a nice shot. I've only seen the first episode and it seemed like a decent premise


File:[SubsPlease] Madome - 03 ….webm (1.18 MB,1920x1080)

It's death by moe


File:[SubsPlease] Madome - 03 ….webm (2.52 MB,1920x1080)



File:[SubsPlease] Madome - 02 ….webm (4.73 MB,1920x1080)

And now I have diabetes



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