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File:Ranma ½ - 085 (BDRip 1444x….jpg (568.26 KB,1920x1080)


place your bets /jp/
this is your one chance to make your own personal hiki life


also pissmin remind me how to roll


/* Die rolling:
* If "dice XdY+/-Z" is in the email field (where X or +/-Z may be
* missing), X Y-sided dice are rolled and summed, with the modifier Z
* added on. The result is displayed at the top of the post.


What am I trying to get?


not sure yet, let's play cho-han
place your bets and i'll roll after


🎲 Rolled 1


Uhh, am I supposed to bet on odd/even or a specific number?




🎲 Rolled 2, 5, 2, 5 = 14


File:Ranma ½ - 085 (BDRip 1444x….jpg (489.51 KB,1920x1080)

even or odd was the game
yahtzee seems unrealistic


File:[DeadFish] Samurai Champlo….jpg (199.05 KB,1280x720)

the game is just you pick chou(even) or han(odd) and then there's a 2d6 roll(dealer) to find who wins and who's a loser


In that case I bet even.


🎲 Rolled 6, 5 = 11


need a few non-test bets to roll, this isn't vs dealer
i just wanted to play yahtzee with my /jp/ friends but it's not looking good



I don't remember how to play that.. uhh... what about 'who's number is bigger?'



ummm let's see what 2d6 does.. it's 2 dice with 6 sides right?


🎲 Rolled 3, 2 = 5


it's like poker or mahjong but less fun and more based on luck than skill


File:demehyou.gif (32.05 KB,588x600)

🎲 Rolled 1, 4, 5 = 10
Who's up for some underground chinchirorin?


im down
what do i do?


🎲 Rolled 6, 4 = 10


File:1652684226723.jpg (155.46 KB,1280x1077)





What do I win?


File:boob.jpg (479.25 KB,1920x1080)

congratulations anon as /jp/s 34875th post you earned a shampoo boob image
do not tell the admin, i think he's a gay

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