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File:[SubsPlease] Kaguya-sama w….jpg (287.19 KB,1920x1080)


¥Did you hear /qa/, some people are so obsessed with generations that they pick their likes and dislikes based on what they feel relates to their own generation
¥Gross, those sound like the same people that go around calling everyone boomers or kohais
¥You'd think so /qa/, but apparently some of them profess their hatred for such terms
¥Crazy how that works /jp/, I wonder what goes through their minds to cause such thinking


I don't think generations are actually real and even if there are differences between age groups it's usually based on age and nothing else.


I for one want to always look forward.
In hindsight my generation had some pretty cringe trends of it's own so I'm not gonna throw stones at glass houses.


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The best generation was generation one because it introduced Bulbasaur!


thanks for the reminder to wordfilter boomer...


kohai senpai


what if all the oomer words were oozer words




age is just a number


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Eirin is like bad medicine


have you ever considered that it might be the other way around - that people like things that are targeted at their own generation?

take the progression of the harem anime evolution for example

back when millenials were horny teens, the harem genre focused on the ideal of latent potential. Our protagonist actually had some hidden talent all along, or he was actually a really awesome person that no one had realized until beforehand. This kind of idea resonates well with the millenial generation, which typically views themselves as unacknowledged geniuses who would totally be popular if the world understood the truth about them.

now that the kohais are horny teens, the harem genre focuses more on escape and new powers. Thus the isekai boom, this is a convenient setting for these ideals. the kohai generation typically likes these because they believe the world is headed for bad times and it would be nice to go somewhere else and get cool new abilities to make life easy.

but just becausesomething is marketed at a certain generation doesn't mean that other generations can't appreciate it if it's good. like believe it or not, I am not the person who constantly complains about tubers and although they're not my favorite thing i do like to occasionally watch them

so yeah in conclusion I don't think it's fair to say that people are necessarily picking their likes and dislikes purely on whether or not it relates to their generation, but ratehr that media marketed towards their generation is naturally going to appeal to them more because it's what they understand.


when can we have wild lesbian orgies


Isn't there still a form of latent power fantasy within isekai too? That they were special enough to be transported to a new world and chosen as the hero over other potential candidates among humanity?


I guess it depends on the situation. Most isekais I've seen the protagonist is average or below average prior to being isekai'd, and any skills they might've had in their original world are meaningless in the new world (especially compared to their newfound cheat abilities). But particularly in video game isekais, sometimes the protagonist was one of the top players in the video game before they got sent to the world, so they were special in that way.


That's nothing to do with generations and the traits you assign to both of them could be interchanged. Most people think that the world is about to end in their generations and most people view themselves as unacknowledged geniuses who would totally be popular if the world understood the truth about them. It's not generational generations don't exist.

This is just media evolving and following trends.

Yes, I would say it's even bigger than in other forms of anime. In your typical anime characters get wear they are through hard work and effort with some unique inherited skills as well of course but there is a much greater emphasis on effort. Your typical isekai anime protag is an overpowered god and god that way simply through some game breaking exploit.


File:[SubsPlease] Kaguya-sama w….jpg (192.08 KB,1920x1080)

>Our protagonist actually had some hidden talent all along, or he was actually a really awesome person that no one had realized until beforehand

Going by Kaguya, which people seem to associate with being too new-gen for them, this mentality doesn't seem to have been lost with the latest generation.


thank you bulbasaur for doing your part!


Generations do exist, of course there's variation from person to person but people born in the 80's tend to have pretty different worldviews compared to people born in the 10's. Same of any 30 year gap.

not that there's a hard line, it's more of a gradual fade from one to the next, so the oldest of the kohais and the youngest of the tensais will have more in common with each other than they do with people born at the other end of their own generation.

I'm not saying things completely disappear, but the prevalence comes and goes, especially for heavily pandering stuff like harem shows.


Which one is Zero no Tsukaima? It's both a harem and an isekai but it's from the 00s. The nature of Saito's powers are more new powers than latent potential (being granted the ability to understand and use any weapon thanks to the familiar bond), but Louise's powers are latent potential all the way. It straddles both worlds.


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Has anyone ever seen Eirin and Takane in the same room


Guess Saito was ahead of his time! Never thought about it that way before, but from Saito's side of the story it really does line up well with the modern isekai formula.


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