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File:781f42ba5f5f9a11c15a55a874….jpg (942.57 KB,1388x1500)


It's the day for the one parent I like, is /jp/ going to be celebrating it?


Is it Mamako's birthday or something?


It's one of those Holidays which nobody agrees upon when it should be internationally.



File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (312.5 KB,1920x1080)

Wow, your parent gets their own holiday? Who is it, who is it?


File:[Alexvgz] Azumanga Daioh 2….jpg (145.69 KB,1440x1080)

Got me mum some of the ice cream she likes I'd say that was sufficient.


I couldn't really do much on account of being far away. I had gotten her a card, but I left them in an uber I had to cancel by accident and they drove away... I hope she won't mind my late cards... ;_;

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