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File:skirt.PNG.png (2.86 MB,1625x909)




Must be penis inspecting day.


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not just a joke anymore...


this anime is a surrealist view of girl schools and life in general


it was never a joke
I remember being exempted that day because my mum had written something saying that my doctor had already checked my peepee but my class really had one


We had physicals during elementary school too and the lady doctor would touch my shota penis and pull back its foreskin.


I always thought they were checking for hernias


lucky anons, all I got was a teeth inspection


they do it for phimosis and to check if the balls are inert. hernias are quite the exotic condition, they wouldn't bother if it were just for this


Phimosis is sexy if its small




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So this penis inspection stuff is real after all and what a strange way of finding out I missed my life's calling.


So is every anime.
I don't watch anime for realism.
Realism is boring.


Surrealism is not without realism.


There's nothing really wrong with it but I feel annoyed with the erotic undertones which lead to no romance.


I thought Phimosis was normal and not an issue at all so I decided to look it up. Big mistake, Wikipedia is a disgusting place, somebody needs to clean up that smut.


phimosis is CUTE!!!!!!!!



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Wow, what a homo.


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/jp/ and /qa/


love pranking my friends


Me on the back left I pranked that dork so well he wet himself all sticky and weird like!


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What the hell is that real


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/jp/ on the left, /qa/ on the right


that aint gay


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/jp/ securing their women from freaks


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me posting on the kissu.moe


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The fabled kissu meetup.


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ate /jp/


I've been sitting (heh) on that image for a while but couldn't think of where to post it. Hope he keeps drawing.. uhh.. Keruri? Keriri? I can never remember her name...


very eroi koruri


100 kg of pure jp


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hurt to watch


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File:[ASW] Sabiiro no Armor - R….png (1.54 MB,1920x1080)



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looks like everything's healthy


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>pissou dot moé



do pissgirls like this really exist?


Its one of the more popular non-mainstream fetishes among women.


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good on Thelma for figuring out that J is gay


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File:[SubsPlease] Kaguya-sama w….jpg (125.74 KB,913x1079)

daily /jp/ rating


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File:FI_MImFakAQ9OnO.jpg (117.13 KB,958x1000)

kissu meetup

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