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File:Gdg_39pXIAAGE2j.jpg (1.82 MB,2508x3541)


Saw some critique of Dandadan based on its action scenes not really being that epic, but it definitely feels more like a goofy comedy than a serious battle shonen. So the fights being more like they were this last episode makes a lot more sense with a bunch of it being set up gags instead of super choreographed punch for punch combat.


It's a story about a man trying to locate his testicles.


File:Momo,_Okarun,_and_Aira_enc….jpg (2.07 MB,1528x1200)

this opinion is quite far from what you see when you look at what mangafags have been posting about, who were putting a lot of emphasis on how epic/hype/cool as fuck the spreads in particular are, it's brought up and reposted all the time
it's also a weird point to make when at least half of the last episode was very much traditional fighting with a lot of elaborate animation and the comedy never overtook the fighting itself, i.e. there is comedy interspersed throughout but the fight is not running on comedic logic, it still works like a typical shounen
what typically gets brought up is shoujo instead, romances and its tropes:

i personally do have problems with the fights, but it's more about the motivations and strategies being rather basic
it's carried by the novelty and zaniness more than anything else


>the comedy never overtook the fighting itself
I disagree, stuff like the boxer dude needing to take breathers so the gang can joke around is pure comedy and makes sure there isn't any sense of danger or urgency in the situation. It's kind of off-putting after the last fight was so serious, but I think I'd overall prefer the series to stay stupid with the extravagant stuff just thrown around to make things look cool.


File:[SubsPlease] Acro Trip - 1….jpg (307.4 KB,1920x1080)

yeah but there being silly breathers makes it a fight with comedy, not a comedy with fights, in the sense that although it very much is absurd the fundamentals are serious-ish
it's not like acro trip where all the fighting exists in service of silliness and the outcome is decided based on a punchline, no powerscaler is going to be pay attention to berry blossom or write a wiki article with her list of moves
dandadan's encounters with granny, flatwoods, the kanigami, silky, etc., those were all won through dramatic shounen fighting, and so was the final attack against monster serpo nessie


File:[SubsPlease] Dandadan - 04….jpg (293.23 KB,1920x1080)

The comedy is overall quite bland to me, if that was its sole focus then I would have lost interest quite fast. Well, I think the production quality greatly elevates it as the story itself is pretty meh. Great style that even hides the fact that many of the enemies are 3D. Some good silly faces, but not amazing.
I think most source material given this level of care would turn out great. Pick one at random, even. So many adaptations fail from poor budget or lack of quality manpower in general, not to mention the unfortunate ones that get the 3DCG treatment.

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