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File:AQMIa-clFWpb0l4mICZKRFfB37….mp4 (9.33 MB,640x360)


This lesson on BPMs was brought to you by Flandre.


File:buy flantasy flan.webm (3.37 MB,1280x720)

Thanks Frandle.
I like this artist, IIRC they got to do a bit for the Tohostation live stage segment.


File:[SubsPlease] Bocchi the Ro….jpg (146.49 KB,1280x720)

I really don't see how these are different. What if this applied to other stuff?
"Oh, I used a guitar on this song instead of piano, so it's guitarcore"
"Our orchestra doesn't have a percussion section, so it's uhh.. smoothstep"
"Yeah, our band couldn't afford drums. We're beatlesscore"


artcore really caught me offguard


File:8293678_p0.png (657.15 KB,1050x792)

Bocchi the Tardcore


File:well done lad, the beatle….jpeg (55.57 KB,600x600)

>We're beatlesscore
I read this as beatlescore


bocchi the core with flan characteristics


stepcore or corestep


dont google metal subgenres


I've listened to that video a few times. His stuff show up if you listen to a lot of japanese elctro






Never listened to the Nue one


File:Bnaki badminton.mp4 (538.69 KB,720x720)


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