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File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (142.46 KB,1280x720)




File:crabs_feel-pain_electrodes….jpg (Spoiler Image,713.66 KB,1875x2500)

Speaking of crabs, new research has show that crabs feel pain, with the researchers involved calling for an end to boiling crabs alive.


not a very fun thing to bring up in a jp thread


File:Love is Crab Cream.mp3 (7.88 MB,175x166)

If you love crabs, you would bring it up too. Fake crab-lover...


don't say you love crabs if they're not on your weenis


Speaking of crabs, new research has show that crabs are delicious, with the researchers involved calling for a second serving.


File:R-1732838245401.webp (23.07 KB,378x500)

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