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File:[Erai-raws] Higurashi no N….jpg (114.64 KB,1280x720)


So this was Satoko bonking K1, right? The rest is an hallucination. Wouldn't make any sense otherwise.


Rena said that Satoko was killed over at the festival, so it wouldn't make sense for her to have whacked him over the head, especially since that'd mean Satoko would've been smashed by K1.


She didn't say they were all killed at the festival though, just that they were all dead.


How would they have known K1 was over at Satoko's place in that case though? It seems like people were notified of his whereabouts unless they stumbled on him by chance


Well, probably the latter since Satoko lured him there without telling anyone.


I had a really bad feeling when Satoko invited him to her house...

Could it be Teppei? We know for sure that Ooishi and the child welfare guy went to Satoko's house. There doesn't seem to be any reason to doubt that things transpired the same way as in Minagoroshi (i.e. what Satoko said on the phone), with Teppei being subdued by Ooishi and arrested. If we assume it was really him assaulting Keiichi, either he escaped somehow (unlikely...?) or they didn't arrest him in the first place.

One possibility I imagined is that Satoko didn't actually ask for help when they came to her house, then Teppei interrogated her and found out about Keiichi, and made her phone him and lie about what happened. Then he had her lure Keiichi into the house, maybe under the pretense of just having a talk with him... Kind of explains why she shows a bit of attachment to the house, staying there even after Ooishi's visit instead of going back to Rika's place, and telling Keiichi "this is your house too now, since you're my nii-nii!"


The second theory would make sense as well. Dumb K1 should've asked the police/CWS about what happened before Satoko called him.


K1 gets bonked -> Satoko tells Ooishi -> Ooishi loses it -> bang bang


But why would she bonk him? This is even more confusing than Tatarigoroshi was.


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Huh? So you guys are saying there were two syndrome'd people this time? Satoko and Ooishi?
So who was the person in the hall if Keiichi was bonking someone else?


It was the Uncle


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I think it was Keiichi and Ooishi. The chimes in this scene remind me of the chimes in the VN that would play to indicate someone was going insane.


It couldn't have been Ooishi, since if it were he would have surely died and not made it to watanagashi festival.


I meant that Keiichi and Ooishi had terminal HS independently of on another, not that Keiichi bonked Ooishi.


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THis is weird. It has be after nine so it must be really, really late.
My running theory is that since this is a world where Hanyuu doesn't affect the gameboard, Satoshi didn't go as crazy and therefore is the only "culprit". He either broke free or was never captured and came back to kill Teppei. He came home and killed Keichii thinking he was Teppei. Oishii after realizing what happened goes a little nuts thinking it isn't possible and that Hinamizawa is literally a village of demons that kills outsiders, decides to kill all of them except Rena who is an outsider.


The fuck was that?
Let's see, there's these fucking variables. Did Satoko lie about Ooishi taking Teppei in? Who bonked Keiichi? Was Keiichi hallucinating, if so how much did he hallucinate? Did Rena tell the truth? Did Satoko not get abused in the first place, like >>290 says? If so, why would she do any of this? Did Satoshi return and if so how and why a year later?

I cannot be assed to put up with this.


Oh, and did the Dogs do anything at all? Did Takano inject Ooishi for the lulz?


At this point, there's nothing to do but wildly speculate. I don't think anyone has a good idea of what exactly is going on.


I checked out the discussion on smug, they're saying Mion killed Shion as a matter of fact. That she threw her down the well. Did we see this happen? I can't wrap my head around Shmion shenanigans, they make me zone out.


I highly doubt it to be honest, it was a point that Mion never ever went L5 in any kakera, that just happening now offhandedly would be really lame.
Maybe Shion went crazy and Mion killed her in selfdefense, or maybe it was the ol' switcheroo like in the original again.
We can't take any of the corpses shown at the end as fact, it's just the way Keiichi imagines it.


It would be lame, but we also have a Satoko who indisputably led Keiichi to a deadly ambush. And Ooishi shooting at the club members, probably.


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It would be even more lame if it was just Shion again.
Why did he even do that? It makes no sense.


I see four possibilities, either Ooishi got the injection, the club members (except Rena for whatever reason) reached L5 and he shot them in self-defense, Ooishi did it as part of someone's plan or Rena is lying and Ooishi is innocent.


I'm leaning towards Ooishi getting H173 into his system somehow. It's the only explanation that makes sense to me.


It seems Tokyo is very consistently withdrawing in these arcs, so let's say that while they're at it they let Satoshi go free, he then kills Teppei and arranges revenge against the village with Satoko. Why would they attack Keiichi in particular? Maybe Satoshi doesn't even appear and Satoko kills Teppei herself, I dunno. Read that the statue vandalism meant Satoko was trying to hide Teppei's death, but that might as well be a red herring.
I saw one theory that said Satoko had her house trapped and Keiichi bumped into a trap and went insane. Again, why would Satoko just let Keiichi walk around the house if it's trapped? It couldn't have been a mistake.
Teppei would have a reason to want to bonk Keiichi, he's going to fuck him over, but would Satoko collaborate with him? It's very strange, but maybe.
And Ooishi is suspicious, but again, why would he bonk Keiichi.


I think you're vastly overestimating what Satoshi is capable of in his current state. If Tokyo leaves he's probably clawing his throat out since he's in such a terrbile condition.


That's true.


Maybe Gou is simply about Hanyuu trolling Rika.


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Gou is about Ryukishi trolling the viewers.


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Fuck Takano.


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Kinda disappointed that the most obvious explanation turned out to be true, but there's still the mystery of who the hell Ooishii was bonking before.


My guess is that it was Tomitake he bonked and Takano drugged him at the parking lot. Though the theory of him and Teppei working together holds some credence since I don't know how else Teppei would be out and in Satoko's room at the time, and that does look like K1's bat (though it could probably be any bat i guess)


That's an interesting stance to shoot someone from.


He's a true sharpshooter


File:[Erai-raws] Higurashi no N….jpg (74.72 KB,1280x720)

It's the second SHAFT headtilt of the show.


Satoko was already bloodied by the time Ooishi reached the shrine, and the bat was present in Satoko's house, so my guess is this:
- Ooishi strongarmed Satoko into helping him investigate the curse, by threatening to release Teppei.
- He arranged for Satoko to invite Keiichi to his house, to also recruit him as usual.
- While carrying the bat, something went down with Tomitake and Takano that caused him to be injected with the syndrome.
- In a rage, he scrapped his plan and bonked Keiichi (who then hallucinates fighting back against Teppei).
- Then Ooishi goes to the shrine and the massacre happens.


100% speculation juice


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (129.9 KB,1280x720)

100% Truth Juice

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