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File:[GJM] Rewrite - 11 (BD 720….jpg (139.14 KB,1280x720)

doing sociology by thinking really hard about triangles and ghosts
rly makes u think


Socrates? More like let me get on my soap crate and let me tell you why democracy sucks! But really he has some really vaild points.


i heard bad things about that channel


wouldn't know, came across it from a simpsons video


well, it is pretty savage


This title sounds misleading because Socrates never wrote anything, and Plato wrote all the dialogues using him as a mouthpiece. We may never know what Socrates' political alignment was because the closest thing we've got to his biography is an anecdotal account made by Xenophon.


I wish I wasn't dumb and could understand greeks.


I heard somewhere that he may never have even existed, I think it was in the preface of my version of Plato's symposium(That I didn't read because it's literally gay).

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