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/aut/ - Autumn

Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:El8iIExVMAArjdJ.jpeg (469.81 KB,1365x1365)


It's almost over


File:[SubsPlease] Maou-jou de O….jpg (197.16 KB,1920x1080)

Good. There's only ever two things to look forwards to in the season, and one of them is even better in the winter.


It's been too warm, I'd say the trees around here are only about 20% of the way of being done shedding leaves. Poor confused nature doesn't know how to handle this climate


uhhhh there's still another month left


What do you mean, it's already Christmas time


I live near the boarder between the US and Canada and where I am everything's exactly as it should be.


I live on the border between the US and Mexico and it's hot as HELL

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