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Imagine, if you will, laser weapons


It was supposed to start at 17:40...


Really like that channel. Anyways, I wonder just how much more powerful that laser would be if it was a pulse laser rather than a continuous laser.


What difference would that make in it's power? Not too familiar with the optical physics behind it.


File:[Erai-raws] Higurashi no N….jpg (181.05 KB,1280x720)

I wonder if I could ever use this for anything. I guess it'd be good for making holes in computer cases if you wanted to convert something to watercooling


you could zap some nerd butts with it


It's pretty simple, really. Power = energy / time.

To go into a little more detail, when a laser is pulsed instead of being continuous, the desired result is to compress the amount of energy being released. So, although the amount of work being done is technically the same, the amount of energy can be orders of magnitude different. I suppose the best way to think about it is like with momentum; you might think the amount of mass the typical bullet has is pitiful -- typically only weighing a few grams -- but when shot at the speeds they are, they can do a lot of damage. By comparison, if a 1kg bowling ball were to exert the exact same amount of work that a typical bullet does, it would only end up moving at a jogging pace.


I remember reading some nerd on somewhere like atomic rockets that pulsed lasers of a theoretically possible power could blast through any and all possible armor conceivable, and how lasers at a certain level are stripping away electron bonds directly so it's like impossible to beat them with any trick like mirrors or ablation or something

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