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Archived threads: /trans/

Displaying 4 expired threads from the past 7 days

Post # Snippet  
19681 If you read Berserk you are an NTR fan. Go jerk off to your faggot tragic hero with a mindbroken sloppy second bitch. '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 135046 (OP)''' [View]
19666 Been working on an Linux distro for the last 2 years off and on. Will probably be ready to release it to the wild at some point early next yet. I was wondering what people wanted out of a desktop/laptop OS geared toward the creation of content like audio production, video editing, programming, drawing and other forms of content creation. As we all know it's a huge pain to set-up systems for this currently. I plan to provide a lot of things out of the box geared towards these hobbies (both pro [View]
19664 There was a request to not put AI gens into this thread '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/ec/6780 Post No. 14739 from thread 6780''' [View]
19662 lol what https://[link-ommited][link-ommited] '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/4165 Post No. 134696 from thread 4165''' [View]