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File:mewkle ringy.png (1.98 MB,1920x1080)


Hello, friends. Would you believe me if I told you that the attached image is an edit? It does not exist! It's crazy, isn't it? You assumed there was a Mewkledreamy/Elden Ring crossover, but it's not actually real. This is the power of photo editing.
Photoshop is expensive, though, and these days you have to subscribe. I heard there's a way to bypass that, but this isn't the thread for it. I heard someone might have uploaded it somewhere, I think a bird was talking about it.
Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes. I think we should talk about photo editing to encourage more kissu creations since people might want to participate in the random nonsense people throw together here now and then.


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This is an old tutorial series, but it was recommended to me a few years ago and it's still great. I think some buttons moved around, so if you're looking at it and confused by a button not being there say so and someone here might be able to tell you where it is.
He goes over the basics and it's done in a really good, straightforward manner. There could be better tutorials out there, but I haven't gone looking and they're probably not easily available on youtube with an easy-to-understand accent.


File:[SubsPlease] Slow Loop - 1….png (368.57 KB,1280x720)

Apart from that, uhh... you can ask questions and stuff in this thread and someone (hopefully not just me) will try to answer. Everyone has to start somewhere and it's actually a lot easier than you think it is. I mean, how hard could it be if I do it?


File:Photoshop_fhSACACyeh.png (402.89 KB,671x660)

I have a question! How do I make quick select not act as awfully as it does sometimes?


File:Photoshop_rxs1MJ5n1o.png (165.23 KB,395x527)

I don't like that tool. Maybe I don't know how to use it, but Magic Wand seems to work a lot better for me because it offers more control.
You can use individual clicks to add to it and there's options like Tolerance, Anti-Aliasing and, a huge time saver, "contiguous" if you want to select that color all over the image instead of just a direct connection.
I'd suggest you try it. You click the tool, adjust the settings at top, then you click the desired area. You can hold shift and click another area to add to it, or hold control to subtract from it- in this way you can build up a bunch of colors all at once.


File:Photoshop_9lPfrbJGFH.png (221.69 KB,897x321)

An example of low tolerance with contiguous NOT checked. I clicked a spot on the right, but the area on the left that is the same color is also selected.


File:Photoshop_h8ZGxaQ5XM.png (5.72 KB,268x199)

Oh yeah. There's an important (and stupid) change in recent photoshop versions. I don't know the specifics, but I noticed that if you opened a JPG and intend to resave it as a PNG you need to use the "Save a Copy" button to see PNG as an option.
I don't know why.


Oh well that's a bit disappointing, was hoping someone knew how to work the quick select like you see people do in TV or on youtube... As for the Wand I do use the other one quite often, but I've never tried (or knew) of the contiguous or anti-aliasing options. Guess I'll have to see how they stack up against the normal magic wand.


> was hoping someone knew how to work the quick select
Well, it's only been a few minutes...


File:GIMP.png (566.75 KB,1600x1200)

Personally, I'm a big fan of GIMP, although I've been meaning to learn to use Photoshop for a while. The layout and seeming necessity to learn non-standard macros really messes with me every time I try to use it for more than a few minutes and then I go back to GIMP. It's really troublesome. I really need to learn to use it in particular because GIMP is really awful for drawing and so it's not at all suitable for using my wacom tablet with.

I concur with >>86908. Using the magic wand tool and then adjusting tolerance will probably just about always be better. Alternatively, the polygonal lasso tool works very well for selecting out things by hand if you want to get perfect edges.


Having GIMP be your first image editor is kind of like learning Perl as your first programming language. On its own, it's fine for what it is, and it even excels at certain things. But it implements a good chunk of its core features in completely archaic, nonsensical ways, and if it's the only image editor you've ever used you're going to have trouble adapting to something more standard like Photoshop or Krita.


File:AkariJokingAround.jpg (81.82 KB,409x571)

You could even say that it gimps the users!


File:chips.jpg (269.25 KB,471x825)

I have only ever used GIMP for image editing. I wouldn't even know what to do with PS. For drawing there's better stuff like SAI, CSP (or the older Manga Studio), I think. Photoshop is apparently useful for correcting, though. What kind of editing do you do? The only thing I mostly do is cutting out characters from screencaps or manga pages. Sometimes I make oc, too, but it doesn't really take a lot of effort. Still better than those 9gag/Reddit memegenerator (or whatever) images, however.


>But it implements a good chunk of its core features in completely archaic, nonsensical ways
Such as?... Personally, my biggest hump is just the macros that don't make sense. Like Ctrl+Z not actually being undo, but instead Ctrl+Shift+Z being undo, and then Ctrl+Z is actually redo instead of Ctrl+Y, or Ctrl+Scroll not being zoom but scroll up/down, and then scroll not being scroll but zoom. All that stuff adds up and breaks convention with just about every piece of software in existence (unless for whatever reason other image editing programs follow Photoshop's macros, which I guess would make sense?).


File:be2AWUCAuM.png (20.17 KB,307x429)

Perhaps the simplest and strongest thing to do with text is to give it an outer line. I had to do this manually in gimp, but in photoshop you can right click a layer and go to "Blending Options"...


File:Photoshop_aiXFW5UMcJ.png (25.81 KB,783x467)

and the 'style' you want is Stroke, so left click it and its checkmark and you can fiddle around with it. You can also mess with the other options here if you want. This is "non-destructive' editing that can be changed or reverted at any time.


File:Photoshop_KYUqiIB2A2.png (15.49 KB,124x189)

The difference is pretty major, yet it's so simple to do so I recommend you mess around with it.


Oh yeah, that reminds me of one of the major reasons I don't use GIMP. Because the text feature is gimped compared to photoshop.


File:GIMP seamless stitching gu….png (2.12 MB,1311x2856)


Does anyone know how to do those old trick images with photoshop on kissu?


Which ones? Do you mean the images that look interlaced because it looks like Image A when as a thumbnail but is actually B? Like the "Click this image to hit Alice with a shovel"? If so, I know the image you're talking about but I'm not sure I could find it.
I don't think that technique works outside of 4chan from what I've seen people test, but I've seen people come close I think... maybe?


Yeah, like one of those. Oh, guess it must be tough to pull off then


File:aa1962ce8a5ba4a8d6cefbe059….png (5.63 MB,1921x2138)

i don't know if people are aware of it but microsoft ICE, which is actually a panorama stitcher, is super good for anime stitches as well
you just feed it images (they can overlap extremely roughly and it'll still work) and it will take care of everything automatically (even stuff like changing lighting levels during panning)

it's super good


just make apngs for the sites that support it


To add to >>87470. Basically, you just create a two frame, non-looping animation with the first frame being the thumbnail, so that when it's opened it immediately switches to the second frame. You can technically also do the same thing with a GIF, but you'll be working with a reduced color palette.

>>>/ec/7281 is an example I made a while ago.


File:gamma trick.jpg (1.77 MB,1011x3690)

Here's the usual instructions.

Also I remember on 4/qa/ there was a thread where I was playing with related techniques.


File:yui_cake.png (218.57 KB,474x444)

That said, I'm not sure off the top of my head whether it works here or if the thumbnails show the same image as what you get when you expand. Time to test.


a shame that the images start looking somewhat ugly, but it's still cool
there has to be a better method, though


File:animated.png (467.22 KB,424x598)


File:Screenshot 2022-04-09 2157….png (3.79 KB,295x73)

This is the most bullshit close message I've ever seen. I had an extremely large image I downscaled, but wanted to undo the change because it messed with the geometry, but it broke the history chain and wouldn't undo so I decided to close it and got this message.

Fuck you, GIMP.


That's what you get for cheating on Adobe


File:[SubsPlease] Shachiku-san ….jpg (159.19 KB,1452x393)

Ah, yeah I know what you're referring to because I do it myself usually, but gifs are annoying because you need to do every frame manually. Maybe there's a script or something? Anyway, to do it in photoshop:
Filter > Other > Maximum to thin lines
Filter > Other > Minimum to thicken lines


File:hirohidamari.png (65.4 KB,500x281)

When I tried thinning lines on something with already thin lines and it made something pretty interesting looking. I didn't even know this was a feature in the first place neat!


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….png (273.29 KB,504x555)

Made a new Laura banner, and going to list what I did.
Cropping is and scaling is simple enough so I won't include that.
First thing I did was increase contrast and darken it a little bit because it was a washed out scene.


File:1iLpKbBqbN.png (131.59 KB,1139x530)

I had googled "aquatic font" and got this "Underwater Love" one that looked good.

This image is from before I decided to change colors, but you can see that I gave it a gradient and stroke in layer options.
I googled "hollow photoshop text" and found that you need to first rasterize the type layer...


File:Photoshop_5P9kOQ3kLq.png (72.17 KB,767x432)

Then again in the layer blending window thing, in the main Blending Options tab you can adjust inner opacity if you check the box here.
After that, uhh.. I guess the image was done?


File:Photoshop_uSjEwHeklL.png (144.18 KB,1021x462)

I guess here's a shot of what the layer looks like in the lower right with the two things applied to it.
Layers are very important!


Looks nice. I like the subtle translucency.


File:Photoshop_xuvCqfgM3U.png (302.87 KB,536x678)

To make this edit (yes it's an edit!) I grabbed the color red, changed the 'mode' to Darker Color, set the opacity to 33% and drew over her skin.
Have you done any amazing photoshops lately?


Lately it's all been cropping screenshots for me.


File:Photoshop_AX4VfyI5Ls.png (508.61 KB,548x628)

I already deleted the image last night, but to edit a belly I use Warp.
1. Use polygon lasso (or magic wand) to make a selection of something you want to manipulate. Hit Ctrl + T to open Transform mode, then right click and select Warp.
You'll get this cage looking thing at which point you can click and drag. You really need to be precise with the selection OR clean it up afterwards, however. I recommend duplicating the layer before you start so you can erase the parts you don't want.


File:Photoshop_rF6aIdbvGr.png (541.57 KB,860x533)



I am asking in good faith if someone could help me animate a world map to show progression in the world that I'm drawing, I'm making the individual map parts (frames) but I don't know how to do it. I don't have photoshop but I do have Gimp, (no bully) and Paint.net (I requested no bullying) so if anyone would like to help drop a line


File:Capture.PNG.png (14.69 KB,607x371)

like as a gif? That's pretty easy in Gimp.

1. Set each of your frames as a layer, in the order you want to see them (first image on the bottom, last image on the top).
2. (optional) For most efficient filesize, first go to Filters --> Animation --> Optimize (For GIF). this will generate a new file with redundant parts of each layer converted to transparency.
3. Go to File --> Export As... and save as a .gif file.
4. Save "As Animation", choose your frame delay, set frame disposal to cumulative (if you did Step 2), and click both the bottom boxes to force the chosen frame/disposal method for all frames. If you're okay with all the frames having the same delay that's all you need to do.
5. (optional) if you want different delays on frames, you'll need to reopen the file and manually edit the name of each layer. The layers will have names like "Frame 7 (100ms) (combine)", you can edit the 100ms to be whatever delay you want for that frame. Then resave as a gif like in Step 4, EXCEPT make sure to UNCHECK the box to force the default delay for all frames.


File:Photoshop_y88SqISfp2.png (135.29 KB,975x740)

I'll talk about the power of layer masking now.
I used it when I was making the Lala CSS backgrounds.
At first I had one image like this, but I decided to split it into two different layers so things could move at different speeds.
I could duplicate the layer and erase stuff, but it'd be annoying to keep track of, so...


File:Photoshop_96wSi8MKRF.png (54.2 KB,737x471)

The first thing I do is duplicate the layer (it's always good to have a backup)
I make a new layer and make it pure white and position it below this active layer (#ffffff)
I lock the transparent pixels with this button.


File:waterfox_32Mnq6eWoO.png (65.98 KB,978x636)

For this I'm going to isolate the stars. So I paint them pure black. (they're semi-transparent over a white background so they look grey).
For the stuff I want to exclude I paint it pure white so it blends into the layer below it.
After I'm done painting it, I merge it with the layer below


File:Photoshop_IC6EfbtMEN.png (3.58 KB,176x115)

First, I'll copy the layer I just made with the black stars. I use the square selection thingie in top left and select the whole canvas, then hit Ctrl + C. (Actually I remembered that gray isn't good, so I increased contrast to make it pure black. You don't need to do this if you have a solid texture which you will 99% of the time)

So, now we go back to the old duplicated layer from earlier. Making sure I have it selected, I click the Mask button which is this thing here. It puts a white square to the right of the layer's thumbnail.
I hold Alt and left click the square to enter editing mode for the layer mask. Then, I hit Ctrl + V to copy in the black stars with white background.


File:Photoshop_DRy9Ig31GH.png (39.06 KB,669x389)

I left click the base image to leave masking edit mode and you can see the mask is in effect. At this point you could right click the mask thumbnail to the right of the image thumbnail and hit "Apply Mask" if you want to finalize it.


File:Photoshop_wEMxCnQN38.png (73.58 KB,692x554)

I can go back into edit mask mode (Alt left click its thumbnail) and then hit Ctrl I to convert the colors, which means instead of hiding the stars I am now showing only them.
So, the background stuff has been separated into two separate layers in a non-destructive manner. It's a pretty handy thing to know how to do.
The End (?)


>Ctrl I to convert the colors
BAH! I mean INVERT. As in black becomes white.


File:car sticker rough.mp4 (4.37 MB,1280x720)

Not necessarily a photoshop question, but I feel that it fits in with the theme of this thread. Does anyone know how to smoothly put in an image into a video without it looking out of place? Like with this video, I want to see if I can put a Miku picture onto this while in motion in a way that makes it look like an actual sticker on the car. But while trying I run into some major issues that I just don't know how to resolve. Such as making the crop proper while making it disappear with the car, actually aligning the perspective of the Miku sticker with the car and not having it completely mess up while the car turns, or having some anchor points for the perspective so it can actually "stick" to the car in a static position. Aside from that the remaining issue is that I can't figure out how to make the texture of it look like it fits in the video and is actually a part of the car.



Man, that's waaaay above me. What you already did there is already alien to me in regards to video editing. What software are you using there?


I was just using Davinci Resolve in that, but I think I might want to try Blender too going by what I've seen people make with it in the past. And as for the video it's just a pretty rough mock-up of some things that are just really bugging me that I can't figure out with the basic knowledge I have of Resolve. It's not anything too complex once you figure out how keyframing works.


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>Such as making the crop proper while making it disappear with the car
I don't think there's good way other than masking individual frames manually.
>actually aligning the perspective of the Miku sticker with the car and not having it completely mess up while the car turns, or having some anchor points for the perspective so it can actually "stick" to the car in a static position
You will need to use some kind of motion tracking software so that perspective is preserved no matter how the car or camera moves. This is also what serious fansubbers do for handling position and perspective of on screen texts.
>Aside from that the remaining issue is that I can't figure out how to make the texture of it look like it fits in the video and is actually a part of the car.
Try to look into other image composition modes, such as multiplication.


File:Issue.png (56.76 KB,1165x490)

This is undoubtedly an extreme beginner issue, but through all my messing about I've never actually found a solution.

When you have a source image and want to cut out the background, you're often left with a jagged mess afterwards because the source image uses antialiasing for finer detail. What I'd like to know is how you manage to cut out the background in a seamless fashion without having all that jagged mess left behind.


File:Photoshop_dPdXqvQgZv.png (67.45 KB,941x671)

Looks like some very cute hair there.
Unfortunately, there isn't an automatic way of dealing with that very well. It's easier these days, but for the ideal result you need to do it manually. For the temporary CSS stuff I edit for kissu I rarely bother with perfect selections because it's far too much work for something seen for a few hours and then never again.

There's two things that can help, but there's no magic fix.
(Assuming this is photoshop)

After you have magic wand selected, you can try turning on or off the Anti-Aliasing checkbox at the top that's to the right of 'Tolerance'. You generally want it to be "on", but for pixel art or other stuff that has hard edges you want it to be off. Tolerance itself is also something you could mess with. All of this stuff has to be configured before you make the selection of the area to remove.

The other option is to edit the selection after you've made it, but it's cumbersome since you're likely working with a large, uneven selection if you're using the magic wand tool.
Make the magic wand selection and navigate to this menu under Selection. I used 'feather' here to demonstrate that I've shrunk the magic wand selection, which you should be able to see strongly to the right.

In the end there's no perfection solution. Maybe AI stuff will be able to do it.


File:Photoshop_CM68yIjqaw.png (177.15 KB,1105x804)

Oh, and if you're using gimp. Well, stop using gimp or don't expect good selections. This is one of the things gimp is notoriously bad at.


What does photoshop get right in its selection tools that GIMP doesn't


File:Photoshop_6QupN8P2cl.png (134.4 KB,908x742)

I guess it's similar to the reason gimp can't draw good diagonal lines or do text well at all. Whatever algorithms are involved with calculating varying degrees of opacity to make transitions between color look smooth is just not there.
(Sorry Sachiko, I forgot I was drawing on your face)


Also, the bird in the filesharing thread told me that he's still available to deliver something I shared from from a private tracker that is relevant to this discussion. >>81302
Learning a new program is awkward, but it's worth it.


File:confused.png (768.97 KB,787x830)

Sachiko just wishes she knew how any of this stuff works...


Sachiko needs to ask questions if she wants to learn!


Sachiko is a girl that needs to ask questions and receive answers. You might even say she's a /qa/ girl.


File:1443630514518.jpg (2.98 MB,2000x2900)

Here is an old guide for making transparencies. Personally, I usually only make them for one-off edits and do an eraser-tool pass over a lazy selection to make sure the edges are smooth and close enough, especially if I'm going to resize it down.


File:R-1671922544594.jpg (314.18 KB,1920x1080)

picture 1


File:R-1671923031796.png (1.1 MB,1920x1080)

picture 2
I used Krita and the E V keys. What are masks? Is it like the eyeball visibility option I see on each layer?


File:Photoshop_rfGXkLFv69.png (527.98 KB,1118x767)

Masks are a non-destructive way to remove parts of an image. I use them in the posts starting at: >>93775.
It's a grayscale attachment to a layer that dictates which parts are active and visible and which are hidden. 100% black is 100% hidden while 100% white is 100% visible. If you were to look at that image's mask it would be 100% black on the statue with some grey in the transition area, which you can see where it's feathered a bit on its right side (our left). In this example image I have a Kuon layer on top of a solid green layer, and I used a black brush to mask where I drew.
The eye icon is usually to indicate whether a whole layer is active and visible or not, not its mask. But, maybe Krita does it differently.


File:R-1672009200801.png (24.97 KB,836x734)

This is my attempt using masks in Krita.

1. Layer -> New -> Add Paint Layer.
2. On the right window, set the original image to 80% opacity.
3. On the right window, drag Paint Layer 1 to the bottom.
4. Select Fill tool (F). Set color to white. Fill the Paint Layer with white.
5. Select Brush tool (B). Set color to black. Set the brush size to 15 or so. Brush over the items with black.
6. Filter -> Adjust -> Invert.
7. Right click Paint Layer 1. Convert -> Convert to Transparency Mask.
8. Set the original image to 100% opacity.
9. Export -> PNG -> Store Alpha Channel -> OK.


Found this on autoplay, and thought it'd be a nice thing to share here


File:ai assistance.png (1.43 MB,1518x1075)

I decided to give AI a try when doing a photoshop edit thingie for a thread and it worked decent enough. This basically replaced the process of finding a nice stock photo without a bunch of crappy watermarks all over it.
For the background image, I made use of the "blurry background" tag which, apart from being atmosphereic, helps hide some of the weaknesses of AI backgrounds like multiple perspectives, weird light sources, or multiple vanishing points.
For Kuon, I used the "simple background" tag so I could easily remove it and paste her where I wanted her. I could also try to generate Kuon and the background at the same time, but the odds are really not in my favor for everything to get a good result at once.
Not bad.


pasted kuon


i've done stuff like that before, got stable diffusion to generate images of blood spatters and even with the same motivation of avoiding kuso stock photo watermarks. remember when you could google image search and it would take you directly to the high resolution image without some no-name stock photo site getting in the way and shitting it up with watermarks? anyway in GIMP i extracted the blood spatter with the help of magic wand select on the white bg, feathering of the selection, then colour to alpha. GIMP's colour to alpha is a bit janky so you have to help it along with a suitable selection to prevent pixels in the middle from turning translucent


kind of strange that you aren't using ai to automatically clean background when you're already using it to generate images...


dont think stable diffusion in the webui supports alpha channels like that


File:Photoshop_EE6SBwfS1R.png (16.12 KB,276x434)

Apparently new photoshop versions hide the good older gradients behind a checkbox. I wonder if anyone makes any new "courses" for photoshop since relying on a google search (and getting SEO stuff generally) is a terrible way to learn.
There was a grace period where people had been able to use Adobe's AI stuff with pirated versions, but that got patched out and from what I hear it's probably not too useful for fun 2D edits instead of traditional stuff. You can also get plugins for Stable Diffusion so you can plug in your local generations into it, but its workflow gave me a headache. (and it's another VRAM hurdle to have SD and Photoshop open)
Plugins also exist for Krita so that might be a better way of doing things if you want to do the local image AI thing with an image editing program for 2D stuff.


File:Photoshop_zAozL4AB1y.png (850.59 KB,1242x1235)

After creating some huge image chart comparison things with Stable Diffusion I needed a way to cut them into smaller images. SD does normally do this, but do to how I made the chart it didn't happen this time.
I decided to see if there was a way to separate them from the image. It would take me many hours of tedious work to do it manually.
Thankfully there is a way!

1. First, you create a new Guide Layout under the View menu
2. You set the parameters there like how many columns/rows and how big they are
3. You go to the 'Slice' tool which is under the Cropping icon thing
4. Hit the "Slice from Guides" button
5. Go to "Export for Web" in the File menu
6. Select the "slices" you want to export in the window and hit Save after changing file format to the desires output. I tried to fix it for 20 minutes before realizing that it never actually correctly changes from GIF in the 'save as' window, but it DOES actually export what you want.

According to what I read in a few separate places this is something photoshop devs considered obsolete and marked it as a "legacy" feature because they were going to make a better version, but they never did so it just sits there.


File:explorer_9K5G6rhXBm.png (481.1 KB,633x967)



Neat. Any reason behind it being .gif?


It was just the default setting that I didn't bother changing. The "Save for web" thing (oops I said it was "Export for Web" earlier) is an old legacy thing from 20 years ago or more I would assume.
This is also the only way to export animated GIFs from photoshop so I assume GIF was the default for that reason. Although, GIF was also famous for its lossless nature if you had a limited palette.


> is an old legacy thing from 20 years ago or more I would assume.
Back in the day IE couldn't render png with transparency properly. I remember spending many a night writing two versions of every webpage I made. One for IE and one for netscape/mozilla. We'd have to use gif because of IE. Opera and other oddball browsers were always a crap shoot. But typically they handled things better than IE.

Then AJAX came along and I was stuck writing 2 version of every javascript function because IE didn't have great support for that either. Oh and it sucked at CSS as well. So two versions of that.


File:Photoshop_8MguHgsORo.png (1.17 MB,1306x1520)

I could have sworn I already mentioned it in this thread, but I guess I didn't: Newer photoshop versions have a "Remove Background" button and it works surprisingly well. It might be related to a simple "AI" thing since the same functionality is in Stable Diffusion. Oh wait, yeah it must have been the SD one that I talked about in the SD thread.
It's not perfect, but it applies a layer mask so it's non-destructive and you can manually clean it up and it still saves a lot of time. I'm sure it's aimed at human figures so you can't really use it to crop other stuff. I wish this kind of tech was more widespread because it would really help people participate in random edit threads since it's so effortless. Maybe I could upload my photoshop version somewhere...


If that's the level of accuracy that modern photoshop can achieve, then I am happy that even though I am amazingly inefficient with my workflow, there is still a niche for the transparencies I make.


Yeah, it's still far from perfect. For me it gives a third option for random stupid edits of finicky images:

Option 1: Spend 30 minutes of annoying, hand-cramping labor that I regret the entire time for an image that will be forgotten in 3 minutes
Option 2: Do an extremely rough job full of background pieces everywhere, saving time but looking very obviously rough
(NEW) Option 3: Do auto BG removal, feel 90% satisfied and spend a lot less time

These aren't images to put in a portfolio, but they're fantastic for actually encouraging me to make edits by mostly removing the frustrating part.


File:[Erai-raws] Isekai de Mofu….jpg (255.18 KB,1920x1080)

An image like this a nd...


File:Photoshop_kxuIVhRygh.png (649.18 KB,789x747)

...viola! Doing this with one button is VERY nice


That is so janky...


That is so janky...


Like I said it's not perfect and I had to fix it up, but it was still a lot less work than the magic wand or the cursed manual method

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