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Do you remember what was the first VN/eroge you've played? I was trying to find out the names of some of these pixelated PC-98 ones I've played before and one of them was apparently True Love. It seems to have gotten an official TL in 1998 according to vndb. I played it sometime around 2003-2004 I believe. Quite a few ones seem to have gotten official translations back then surprisingly: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JAST_USA There are probably more that I've had the chance of playing before in there as well. Need to check it thoroughly. Yume Miru Kusuri is in there too and it was also important to me in that it was the first 'real' VN I've played/read in its entirety. I remember finding out about it on /v/ around late 2007.


It was Princess Eris (https://vndb.org/v1525). The setting was ok but I never really got into nukige as I prefer VNs with a focus on actual story. I don't mind sex scenes but it usually a bonus in this kind of games. I still read nukige though as I recently finished Bible Black and Discipline (the characters and the stories were actually fine).

And if you want to play old eroge, you can read some of them on this website: https://tss.asenheim.org/


Phoenix Wright if that counts, otherwise Yume Miru Kusuri was also my first actual VN, followed by F/SN.


I'm not 100% sure, but it probably was Saya no Uta


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Babby's first VN.


I remember when the sticky was made on /a/.
I immediately downloaded it and then seeded it for years. Never played it.

I played a few other VNs, but not many.


It was Clannad. My first eroge was kemono musume no sodatekata because I was going through a late horny phase where I downloaded a bunch of eroge to fap to and that was the first one that worked.
It has an early sex scene that caught me off guard. The experience was so immersive, it made my legs shake, it was thrill the first time.
IxShe Tell is my favorite among all of them.


Probably the OG Fate/Stay Night. Didn't care for it much. Majikoi was the one that actually got me into VNs later.


First one was easily Katawa shoujou but I don't think I even really knew what VNs were back when I played through it. I mostly read it because 4chan made it.
At some point far later I played through rewrite in English and took the dive into reading raw moonrunes with Kami-sama no you na kimi e.
I haven't played a lot but I really should, I semi-recently read through Shoujo to Toshi no Sa, Futamawari and I don't think I ever got hooked this hard on such a simple story. It's really hard to get that high again with VNs, you scratch an itch without realizing it and then you can't help but try to scratch it again while looking through and comparing other games.


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Gal Pani X


Moving this to /qa/ by OP's request


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By the way, it was always meant for /qa/. I posted it on /jp/ by accident.


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I can't say for sure. I played a few of them around the same time, but my memory is hazy and they kind of blend together. I did play True Love back then, but it wasn't the first (and that's a dating sim really) but I'm really not sure because it was so long ago and I was so young that I can't remember much. It might have been Nocturnal Illusion, but maybe it wasn't. I remember that it took place in a mansion (I think?) and there was some evil woman with glasses. It's so embedded in my psyche that I hate 2D girls with glasses. Well, I mean I don't HATE them but I can't like them.


saya no uta because a friend thought it would be funny that it was my first one


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>I did play True Love back then, but it wasn't the first (and that's a dating sim really)
It's an eroge though. And the distinction between VN and dating sim is a bit dumb to me anyway. Dating sims are pretty much just VNs with a bit of gameplay, like Rance, Monster Girl Quest and Utawarerumono.

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