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I wonder how much the proliferation of generals comes down to having to attach an image to the OP on most imageboards. It's a small thing, but speaking personally, it adds just enough friction that I've posted things I've wrote to existing threads rather than starting new ones.


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That must explain why I'm more prone to make new threads and hate generals, since I'm great at findings new images I want to share.


Sometimes I make a thread because I've found a picture that I just have to share.


i use the search feature before posting
the search feature is trash btw Ill show you a broad query


>the search feature is trash btw Ill show you a broad query
i know bro


The reason I prefer to post in existing threads is that I don't want to draw too much attention or to push down other threads.


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Making new threads can be very difficult if you lack confidence or worry about whether your thread is "worth it". But, I think people mostly do it out of convenience for places like 4chan so they don't need to look around at all.

Yeah. People should try not to feel that way here, but it's inevitable.


Maybe. It's probably a much bigger hurdle for streamers and phoneposters and those have sadly become far more common than they used to be. I have to put in some effort if I'm making a thread about a handheld or console game I'm playing, but anything anime or PC game-related is piss easy to just grab a screenshot that fits with whatever I want to discuss.

Most of the "thread within a thread" posts I see also have images attached, though, since they're statistically more likely to receive replies, so it's a compounding factor at best. The core issue is people bringing non-imageboard ideas about organization and discovery to imageboards. Embrace chaos, embrace reposts, embrace overlap. If it were up to me saying "there's already a thread up" would be a bannable offense.

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