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What's there to do on the internet?
Online conversations feel too superficial and all it does it only make me lonely.

I'm unironically considering to touch grass.


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I don't like real people so online conversation is great to me because I pretend we're all playing anime girls


Superficial in what sense? Online I find it much simpler to have discussions without small talk, which is nice.


Really, what is there to discuss? The same BS that’s already talked about: Anime. Video games. Movies, TV shows, and YouTube. Japan, and how much better the way they do things there is. Being miserable. How much can you discuss this stuff? What else is there to say? In-depth discussions are rare because they take take a lot of effort to be spent on a pseudonymous stranger.

Use it for education.


educate yourself about the best grass touching techniques


This sounds like ennui more than anything, especially because it all applies to IRL as well.


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In real life there is: Sports. TV Shows. Politics. Weather. Education. Work. Personal economy. Housing, family, and relationships.

I think I'll stick to anime and video games.


It's interesting, people used to talk how boring and mundane meatspace was and now people talk about how having IRL friends and such is important to get away from the 'net.


Well, on the one hand I'd say that a lot of the craziness of the internet has been kind of normalized, and with how intertwined with real life it became people just now take for granted that you can make and share dumb stuff with people all over the world even if it's pantsu-on-head retarded, and on the other you have the "loneliness epidemic" that's talked about so much nowadays, there's a lotta folks that aren't helped by the internet being the way it is.


Loneliness I think more is about anxiety and solitarily interests being common now than the Web



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You can masturbate and discuss masturbation here.


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The limitation of the internet is your own desire, motivation and restraint. Most people are trapped inside the vortex of clickbait and algorithms, but it doesn't have to be that way. It is unfortunate that today the default way that most people use the internet is bad for their psychological health, but it is what it is.
Online conversation is definitely superficial on places with a tied identity since reputation is involved and the barrier between the internet and reality is no longer there on social media, but I think there's still sincerity in places where people have usernames or no names at all. But then of course you run into the issue of largely being unable to have fulfilling personal friendships with anonymous people, so there's a price paid.

I'm not someone particularly attached to real life socializing, but I did start a garden last year and it was quite fun (albeit frustrating at times) so maybe a real life interest like that could be beneficial to you. A hidden bonus is that I actually have something normal and relatable to mention to people when I'm pushed into social situations like grocery shopping.

But, I think in general I can't really relate to people like OP because they desire something more substantial (which is normal and healthy) whereas I'm more of a hermit that has his needs met by the internet as-is.


>solitarily interests being common now
I think that can be directly tied to the internet, with how easily it lets you jump into just about any rabbit hole.
The comparison is clever, although worrisome. Great stuff.


what have you masturbated to recently, anon


>all it does it only make me lonely.
>considering to touch grass.
Why are people so bad with grammar nowadays? I swear, every other post I read nowadays looks like it was made by someone who's ESL and also hates English. I'm not going to pretend like I'm perfect in this regard; I can get careless, and even outside of that I make honest mistakes. But at least I'm trying here.

But to answer your question, basically everything, provided you're willing to look hard enough.

The internet as it exists now is far from perfect, but I think people take for granted just how wild it is that we live in a world where you can write, draw, program or film whatever you feel like, and then have it beamed out so that, in theory, anyone with an internet connection can see it.


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>I swear, every other post I read nowadays looks like it was made by someone who's ESL and also hates English.
That's probably because every other poster are an ESL.


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You did that on purpose.


If they're not vt-level ESL its OK.


I still can't believe this got animated


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If you're telling people to perfect their grammar and be paranoid about their English then I must strongly object. People have expressed worry here about such things and I want people here to know that the guy I'm replying to is the exception and most of us are laid back and can handle seeing words out of order or typos.


I appreciate how Kissu is not too negative even in emotional threads like this.
This topic comes up now and then and on a lot of sites it is too much to read as people project a lot of their issues onto it, I hope there is never a suicide note posted here


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I don't know how to describe it but it's like something that I'm looking for is missing. I think I give too much of my time and get less in return.

Education is something I do alone though, so what's actually there on the internet?

Norms have ruined the internet. Internet used to feel like a portal to another universe. Now it's a portal to everyone's private life.

I read it completely.

I already do. Maybe I could masturbate to kissu threads and discuss IRL.

I didn't even notice these mistakes before I clicked post. I didn't even read what I typed twice. It was actually an impulsive ventpost!


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Honestly I think my life is starting to improve and I'm glad that people here are niceish to me.
Just stay away from Normalfag websites like X or... Yeah pretty much avoid twitter like the plague.


I'm glad that site's dying, because I feel like 90% of the bad habits internet people have nowadays can be attributed to that site and its format.


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I used to think internet friends weren't real and I still do somewhat but recently I started thinking that the fleeting good times I have with them don't feel much different from the good times I had with people from school that I don't see anymore. As long as I don't get too invested in them they are ok.
This too, I wouldn't want to talk about my masturbation habits with others irl. I don't see how online conversations are more superficial overall


>I think I give too much of my time and get less in return.
Ah, so unfulfilled? I can see why that'd happen.
I don't think it's 90%, a lot has been contributed by Reddit and 4chan as well.


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reddit is a dying site, increasingly becoming more bot-like too.


The reason a lot of people desire IRL interaction is for two reasons, aside from the fact people have heavily used it for years and are tired of it because there's no way to really log-off.

1. There's a lot of people to talk to and form meaningful relationships with, but they all want to talk to you in some proprietary datamining service, and most of the users in things like element and those FOSS clones of social media can be very weird and offputting.

2. Everyone's the same when you're not trying to make e-friends. Online (and IRL to some degree), it feels like people have been boiled down to archetypes. Everything's fucking cancerman or variants. Or anime. Or extremist politics. etc.

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