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File:e6da510b6245fc45c79ce1f71b….jpg (532.78 KB,1206x1600)


How would you describe cyberpunk without the "punk"? Since the "punk" portion of the term implies some sort of rebellion against the system or disdain for norms. This question came upon my mind while thinking about the future and how for many the kind of cybernetic corporate controlled society we'd be in actually may be desirable and maybe even the natural evolution of things.

Even for I, I find myself dwelling on some sort of charm or intrigue about the more moral-less late stage capitalist society many works in the genre take place in. Things are quite often terrible in these worlds, yes. However, the unmitigated freedom from regulation or ethics related to cybernetic augmentations normally rampant within has appeal in how often it leads to independent shops having business all over the place that contribute to a thriving home modification scene. Although at the same time often there's a control on who can be augmented and I don't really care for those worlds in terms of likability. Another thing that often seems to be prominent is the lax care for normative religious creed which is the root cause for boundless discrimination and social barries towards avenues cybernetics would open up. On the whole though, despite some parts that appear better than current society, there's still plenty of legitimate corruption that'd make the tradeoff not worth it.


If you live in a 'developed' country you live in one without all the lights.


Depends. Do I get shiny new anime girl body and the ability to program it with drugs written in code? If not I'm not into it.

My main issue with modern society is it seems to want me and all my family and friends to die. If it weren't for that I probably wouldn't care.


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If that's what you consider to be an aspect of cyberpunk then I don't see why not. I'll admit I was thinking of something like Motoko when fantasizing about cyberpunk futures.


The people who talk about dystopia stuff like this are often correct, but come off like crazy people
https://archive.is/iy2d7 and https://archive.is/iy2d7 for example.
'cyberpunk' as a subculture still exists, but skews older generally and is very small unless you're talking about the peeps who like the lain aesthetic


This seems more like a thread asking about transhumanism than cyberpunk


wish i could play in tate but i'm on a laptop


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I'm no cyberpunk pro but I feel like all the glamour of cyberpunk usually comes from being in the specific position the protagonist is in, and for everyone "normal" its just like real life but worse in every way? Like in ghost in the shell we get cool full body augs but only because the setting is an undercover government operation. If you imagine Akira but just staying as a common young troublemaker life is just shit isn't it?
If I remember correctly Shadowrun Dragonfall straight up ended saying "The city that enabled your adventure was just a transient pocket of freedom that collapsed shortly after the game".


We already live in a cyberpunk world.


Are AntiX developers cyberpunks?


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Where's the real life Becca then?


20 years, there's too many lonely people to not grab the money on the table. we're gonna have to start saying, "never stick your dick in proprietary."


Robot girls better use that weirdly sexy Commonwealth tts though


>Commonwealth tts
What's this?

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