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Pinny sold out. Seriously, what made nintendo think this audience would like this? Slightly angsty vocaloid music that often has spiritual themes, yeah, those hardcores are totally gonna buy SV after watching this. The sad part is that a PinnyP song about Team Galactic and N could work!

Im kidding about the selling out part, but its just a very weird choice for both parties. Need to start buying their CDs again if they needed to do this


I need to clarify, I'm not saying PinnyP music is super deep or anything, its just their fanbase probably isnt interested is what I was saying


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I dumped some Pokemon-themed Mikus on /ec/ a couple weeks ago and you may have seem them pop up on pixiv and the like. Yeah, there's some Vocaloid/Pokemon crossover thing that seems to at least get a lot of art by combining two things that already get a ton of art.


I'm not surprised that Pokemon fans would turn their nose at vocaloids like that garbage when they have the likes of this.


It looks like genwun pandering so they wont


Unova should've been in the western us with the desert resort, smh gf, smh


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (165.15 KB,1920x1080)

Can you guys try to behave? Bluntly calling someone's artist they enjoy garbage and using 4chan buzzwords is not kissu quality.


Sorry, I didn't mean it that way it was Rhetorical.
I actually didn't watch OPs song because Youtube won't let me watch videos so I don't have an opinion on it.


The garbage thing was obviously a joke


Yeah, they're doing some album collaboration with a bunch of Vocaloid producers. I think it's kind of dumb, but Inabakumori's entry is good at least.


Miku better be a water type gym leader


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I guess everything is a 4chan buzzword now.


Its out! Its out!


I still think not having it be gen v themed was a waste if they got pinnyp. I can picture Colress, N and Ghetsis themed mikus


ahem... the subtitles are in the video on the OP


how often are you on 4chan...


Genwunner isnt a 4chan term and isnt even that pejorative anymore

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