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How would someone even go about learning about music history and becoming knowledgeable about theory without attending courses? I'd assume that unlike math or any science the online knowledge is all a jumble.


It's the most autistic thing ever to study art history. Like, you first off have to be interested in older artwork where people would pour years of their life into getting something good(hey, kinda like VNs) but then you have to consume so much of it you start looking at times in history which interest you and begin to learn more about how conventional history shaped the artists.

It's like... you really enjoy visual novels so you read them and then you start getting interested in the history of japan and the settings they're based on...


But likely the biggest part is that art historians are just artists who don't have the drive to make art so they study other people who inspired them while they were doing it


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Learning about "music history" sounds too vague, I would suggest learning about particular genres or movements you're interested in. In particular I recommend the "33 1/3" book series, which are shorter books of 100 or so pages each that go in depth about one particular album per book.


also art theory blends into history. Artists don't need theory, but historians do to describe sound in literature


>then you start getting interested in the history of japan and the settings they're based on

You always get blocked by the language barriers doing this


I only took a course on it, but the evolution of styles, techniques, and trends is way more interesting than most of the old music itself. Gregorian chant isn't particularly fun to listen to, but I can still appreciate the contributions it made to music.

You can probably just download a textbook for it. It's not going to be as good as a course, but it'll still give you the basic foundation before moving into the specific parts that interest you.


Come to think of it, the first website I made(before I was a programmer) was about music theory and trying to make big bucks off of it. Would tell you the site, but I've forgotten it.

Gregorian chant is basically science. All the rules of what you can and can't do to create a perfectly crafted chant.

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