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File:[SubsPlease] Yuzuki-san Ch….jpg (157.19 KB,1280x720)


It seems like CR decided to jump on the AI bandwagon by publishing a straight MTL that nobody bothered to look over. Probably their worst output since Gab Dropout, though in a completely different direction.

Obviously companies are itching to fire all their translators, but how good does the tech need to come before that becomes viable?


File:[SubsPlease] Yuzuki-san Ch….jpg (82.72 KB,1280x720)

Sensei = sir


File:[SubsPlease] Yuzuki-san Ch….jpg (145.27 KB,1280x720)

Translating character names randomly.


It was inevitable. Would have been hilarious if it had happened to a majorly hyped show.

If this was 鷹兄 then lmao.


Give it 10 years


File:[SubsPlease] Hikikomari Ky….jpg (280.52 KB,1920x1080)

People have used it for ero games and stuff already, but it does need touching up like it does there, which kind of makes it a moot point.
I'm not convinced it's any better than deepl, but it could become so eventually, maybe. I really don't know how the LLM stuff handles translations, but since it relies on repeating what it's fed and is prone to "hallucinations" on top of that I would think it needs a lot of work before it's reliable.
It could tell you with 100% confidence that sushi is a type of instrument and make up sources to prove it. With something nuanced like language? I wouldn't count on it. Better than 0 translation at all, though.



It's weird that they have the foresight to test this bullshit with narrow-appeal shows, but not enough to spend five minutes proofreading to see how all the punctuation is missing. Or maybe they just bet on it working and didn't have time to get a translator to fix it.


Unpopular opinion, but I'm actually in favor of localizing out honorifics. Titles fulfil a very similar role in English, so you can just use those.


>Better than 0 translation at all
Not when it actually is making stuff up and passing it off as a translation or is so low-quality that it ruins the experience.

You could get away with "Mr. Yuzuki" since that's the equivalent title structure teachers get in English (though -sensei is familiar enough that leaving it is fine), but "Sir" is flat-out wrong. He's not a knight.


>but how good does the tech need to come before that becomes viable?
The extent to which accurate translation, especially between languages as different as Japanese and English, is reliant on context (eg. previously-established information, what is shown on screen, cultural references, etc.) makes me think it is effectively impossible, short of the development of something close to a Turing-test capable AI. There will certainly be improvements, likely to the extent that it will provide a tolerable-enough experience when there is no other choice (such as with untranslated VNs), but I highly doubt it will reach the level of quality expected of a paid product in the foreseeable future.


¥ Getting AI to remember context


Maybe they're already using it on all shows and the one guy fixing the output only had time for more popular shows.


I was just thinking that if it were possible CR would definetly jump on top of AI dubbing

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