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File:nozomanu-fushi-no-boukensh….jpg (47.01 KB,460x651)


Is a digitalized personality put into a robotic shell a zombie?


File:[Commie] Koi wa Ameagari n….jpg (108.43 KB,1280x720)

I sure hope not because if immortality isn't achieved then...


The heat death of the universe will make it so it won't matter, immortality won't last then.


I'll probably get bored of living after a few million years so that's fine


tfw didn't finish my backlog before the heat death of the universe


Well here's the thing, we could slow down our processing power, like to near absolute; so like it'd take billions of years for a single thought to be had, and time would be felt in the trillions or something I don't have the math on me.


File:[SubsPlus ] Level 1 Demon ….jpg (255.45 KB,1920x1080)

I don't need the universe, the universe needs me. I'd assume that billions and billions of years would be enough for some strategy to be formed around this heat death thing. Humans have come so far in such little time, and that's with our terribly short lifespans. If we were to attain near-immortality and a bunch of geniuses had billions of years to study I think they could probably find some sort of solution, at least to survive in some local capacity.
The other result, where the universe contracts and explodes again, is something I'd find far harder to survive.


We cant just find another galaxy


Entropy is a bitch kissu friend.


File:C-1696195449265.png (2.64 MB,1920x1080)

You know if we ever figure out a way to fix brain damage then we'll be essentially immortal, since most of death is just permanent brain damage that causes the brain's functions to cease. I'd imagine that we can probably find a way to preserve people's brains so they don't decay and then if we do figure out a way to cure brain damage then we can just jump start those brains once more and have the person once again alive.


File:[SubsPlease] AI no Idenshi….jpg (327.4 KB,1920x1080)

I'm talking about BILLIONS of years of new knowledge gleamed and technological advancements to match it compared to our current ~5000 years. And it's silly to think we already know the absolute truth of the universe when we have so many lame bandages like "dark ___" so our current theories don't evaporate. Implying that nothing will change is pretty foolish to me.


Well hell, with the current technology we could build a dyson swarm around the sun and harness the power from it, using cheap as fuck satellites too.
It'll be uber expensive sure but we can do it.


If a digitized person, without a backup--or a way to shift from one robotic shell to another, then no, they aren't a zombie but they are considered mortal.

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