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File:FkwkM7xaAAECs-e.jpg (220.74 KB,1080x1080)



This twitter account is funny. I like looking at all the passed out drunk people.


¥ Xwitter
Nah that's dumb.


File:media_F7MP_PlaMAAJx3C.jpg (90.2 KB,507x675)

i hate how twitter made it to where you have to have an account to browse, i don't really want to make an account just to see something that a friend wanted to show me...

i wonder what the story is behind some of these pictures. like how did these people get into these situations? would be an interesting idea for a game, i think


Doesn't nitter still work?


oh yeah, nitter still works, that's how i got the picture, i just still think it's dumb


I think whatever kills twitter and forces the people off of it and scatters the people to the wind is a good thing. Too many people on twitter.


File:EtmG3oUVEAAzGUK.jpeg (304.26 KB,1200x816)

and a surprising amount of cats
>Too many people on twitter.
that's exactly why it continues to live


A lot of these look staged


Hate Twitter links/screencaps. If I wanted to be there I'd be there.

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