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File:bc292afcce3cac4a64304e59f9….jpg (639.72 KB,1450x2048)


Do you prefer magical portals or scientific portals? Do you find the material of portal boundaries alluring? Which objects and places could be serving as portals unbeknownst to passersby?


I think magical portals have a better look.
Scientific portals just feel bland, kinda gay looking.


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File:[SubsPlus ] Helck - S01E10….jpg (146.06 KB,1920x1080)

You mean like portals into other dimensions and similar stuff? Well, they're pretty much all magical in essence, but aesthetically I'd say magical ones look and seem more interesting. Scientific ones are generally just used for FTL travel which isn't particularly interesting in itself

Hmm, if you see a hole and think of gay stuff...


Yes I am saying holes made via scientific means are gay and boring what of it.


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Does /qa/ prefer teleportation traps or monster closets?


In OG doom closets in modern teleports


Monster closets, teleportation traps suck


I would prefer magical portals simply because it would mean magic exists.


I just want to touch the portal boundary. Imagine a girl covered in portal boundary material.


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dumb stupid nips who only post their art on twitter where it gets jpeg fucked


really like it when girls perv on themselves


science is just a very narrowed progression of magia naturalis


Like masturbating, or is this another secret thing?

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