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File:leaked image of microsoft.jpeg (321.91 KB,1920x1200)


Have you seen the xbox leaks from the FTC case /qa/? It's pretty huge with internal plans leaked, Fallout 3/Oblivion remasters confirmed (why not the older ones...), and acquisition attempts they tried to make or were in talks of.


Also does anyone know if somebody saved the entire thing?


File:1695099384853547.jpg (92.47 KB,676x659)

Oh, you made the thread while I was making a post...
I'll just copy-paste what I said:

Microsoft/Xbox leaks are out there and since Bethesda is part of Microsoft now it's included. Looks like they ran out of ways to release Skyrim and now there's going to be an Oblivion remaster. There's other stuff involved, like that Microsoft is planning to release another console at some point with a "more immersive" controller.


I'm somewhat disappointed that of all the things they could remaster, it's FO3 and Oblivion. Yeah, I know they'd probably benefit from an update but they weren't the most amazing games ever. I can't see any way in which I'd be wowwed by a new version unless they completely changed things up. More, I would've hoped for a Morrowind/Daggerfall or Fallout 1/2 remaster where those games could be radically updated for the current generation and experienced by a fair amount of people that probably never even touched them.


File:xbox_game_pass_table_01.webp (92.81 KB,920x1112)



I thought it initially hilarious that BG3 was so massively underestimated, but another neat part of those estimations is that the negative crunch culture press seems to be actually having an effect on improving workplaces with that line about their publisher not wanting to push them too hard to make sure the game gets on pc.


I desperately want to see what happens if the Oblivion remaster releases horse armor as DLC.


TES 6.1 - Oblivion II - Obliterate Harder


The Oblivion remaster was already leaked a while ago.
I think the reason they are doing it and not Morrowind is something to do with the engine.


Personally I would want a Fallout New Vegas remaster. Being 32bit really hampers heavier modding since the game crashes above 4GB of RAM usage.

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