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File:41e414a2a892cb012a4c2d0c9c….jpg (858.25 KB,2048x2048)


What's the highest frequency /qa/ can hear?



Apparently I've gone deaf seeing as that site doesn't work at all on my browser...

But I tried a different one (https://onlinetonegenerator.com/), and 18-19k seems to be the limit for me.


only as high as my speakers allow me to go


16400 Hz is my limit for when I stop being able to tell the sound is playing


~16750 is the cutoff point for me, although it's kind of hard to tell, because I feel like I'm placebo-ing myself into hearing frequencies where I can't and vice-versa.

On an unrelated note, I'm kind of surprised they won't let you go lower than they do. It's pretty easy to hear the lowest setting. Or maybe I can hear unusually low frequencies, which would be really cool.


Used this one as OP's doesn't work for me either.

I can hear easily up through 14k, and 15k with the sound turned up. 16k I can at least hear something, but not clearly and might just be a matter of my headphones not being great. 17k I can't hear anything.


With headphones and max volume I can still tell a slight difference at 20k, but at normal volume and speakers I could only clearly make it out up to 15k.


I can hear up to 17500 and then it just disappears.


File:Const.jpg (7.42 KB,279x129)

for some reason I begin to notice deadzones at higher frequencies


File:[SubsPlease] TenPuru - 09 ….jpg (266.84 KB,1920x1080)

I doubt this is without flaws since it depends on your audio setup, but this is a good way to tell someone's age. There are stories of places setting up speakers to play loud sound at high frequencies to deter teenagers from hanging around.
16830 is about my limit, but I had to turn the volume up to hear past 15800, so maybe it doesn't count.


Same here, except 19.3khz seems to be my limit. Beyond that I don't hear clear ringing anymore
It's also a good way to tell if someone takes care of his hearing or not


File:[SubsPlease] Akebi-chan no….jpg (112.03 KB,1280x720)

I can only hear up to ~14.5kHz ;_;


That's because the parenthesis stuck to the link. Try this:
>cunny cunny
Cunny cunny.


10500 kinda wish it stayed broken


>With headphones and max volume I can still tell a slight difference at 20k
I may be wrong but I think this can damage your hearing.


Somewhere in the 17k range is where I last notably perceive it.
In the 18 range I only notice it once I slide past it, hence I can only notice the absence of it.

Not bad for a guy who had a mounted trailer tire explode near him I guess.

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