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Is /qa/ looking forwards to what'll most likely be Miyazaki's swan song?


looks pretty damn awesome


I thought that was The Wind Rises. He changed his mind?


Apparently, yeah. Seems he had at least one more in him.


I've never seen a Miyazaki film.

Also that boy's hair looks stupid.


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Seems good... and important!
It's going to be weird to think that no more movies of his will come out, but as has been said before he was supposed to already be done.
Crazy to see a 4k option there on youtube, although I don't have a 4k monitor.


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You know, with the actor and writer strike plaguing hollywood at the moment, I wonder if this will be a boon to films from other nations. So maybe this does extremely well relative to other Ghibli films since there won't be anything else for people to watch.


I think it's a cool cut for boys.


Saw it, was pretty good but much more... abstract, for lack of a better word, than I expected. Lots of people complaining that the movie is too confusing.


>Saw it
Huh, how? Did it already release in Japan I guess?


Yes, about 2 months ago.


I like herons, so yes. I'm nervous, though. The Wind Rises felt like the perfect film for Miyazaki to end his career on, so if this is a flop it will be disappointing.


so basically Howl's Castle

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