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File:maxresdefault.jpg (96.98 KB,1280x720)


Is Discord's poor runtime performance an aspect of it being built on top of the Electron Framework or is it down to how they programmed it? Perhaps they put too much logic into the JS instead of having the chromium engine handle CSS and HTML manipulation.


File:[MTBB] Mushoku Tensei S2 -….jpg (372.6 KB,1920x1080)

Oh, that's right. I forgot how poorly discord performs, and this was years ago before they added more and more stuff to it. When I absolutely have to use it to gain access to information or downloads, I use Ripcord. If you try that, though, be aware that it's prone to getting your account flagged with the "give us your phone number or your account is locked forever" message.
I don't know what it's written in, but it's nowhere near the footprint as discord is.


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it's definitely electron, every single electron program i used is slow, look how poorly vscode performs versus other text editors
>Perhaps they put too much logic into the JS instead of having the chromium engine handle CSS and HTML manipulation.
all future websites won't use html and css at all, instead there will be a single canvas displaying the whole contents

>I don't know what it's written in
qt, so likely c++


>all future websites won't use html and css at all, instead there will be a single canvas displaying the whole contents
You don't even know about the problems of SPA and are just generalizing it onto all of javascript


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