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I feel like this is the new ME ME ME in that everyone missed the point of it because they liked the dance


Absolutely no one missed the point, it's super explicit. But as it happened with a bajillion vtubers playing the game on purpose, it's a mixture of saying "it's not that bad" and "it's kinda good, actually."


I guess I was talking about people doing the dance in vrchat


I dont speak japanese




i'm so out of the loop with interwebs stuff, i don't even know what this is
i've also never heard ME!ME!ME! by itself, also (though i have seen the funny meme gif, i'm not a complete recluse)


Hmm, never been there. I kind of expect people to know what it's doing, because I've never been in a conversation where people missed the point of ME!ME!ME! or the streamer game, it's always something more like "yeah I know it's a commentary but I'm not that far gone and/or it's still fun." Like, they didn't miss the point, they listened and went on anyways. But that's my experience.


Like how smokers all know they're destroying their lungs. They just embrace the cancer.


Gacha players too


Reading too much into it.. it's just a case of people not understanding the lyrics so they dance along.


Is it really reading too much into it if it's what people have told me every time?
I mean, we all understand ME!ME!ME!, but has it changed anyone's behavior?


we do not all understand thr purpose of that


I'd assume everyone on Kissu does.


Sounds like an idea for a /poll/


the results are in: 85% of /qa/eers report negligible impact in spite of comprehension, 15% say mild instead


the poll didn't ask if they understood it, just if it changes their opinion! Recount!


nuh uh just read the thread


MEsugaki MEsugaki MEsugaki?


sorry only hags


On the surface the message seems to be that people need to treasure real life interactions over the chaotic and virtual relations of the internet. With reference to how dopamine addicted brains have become it appears to be a PSA to many about how you need to moderate your internet usage. Or that unending anxiety and suffering which accompanies much of social media usage. However, peel back the layers a little bit and it's actually a message that not only isn't against that chaos, but supports it. Overflowing emotions that couldn't be matched by a real life facade, a dependable partner that will always be there to talk to you. Not knowing anything but still pretending to they spit out their opinions all the same in a way that helps you to understand the implicit biases of people. In fact, the chaos is promoted as overcoming even depression, with the desire to die being overridden by the will to push forwards into even further chaos. The true otaku will stick with this chaos and uncover nirvana as the norms are left to rot in the dumps and push themselves away from the paradise unachieved.

Not to be lost on the viewer is the use of KOTOKO as the singer. Had this any intention of being a critique to the core they would have picked a more fitting singer more norm adjacent. Instead they use one of the heavenly queens of denpa in a song somehow meant to be pushing people away from the very culture that cultivated it? I find that hard to believe. Someone that has celebrated with otaku the chaotic culture they cultivated has no reason to be critiquing it and promoting the norm life over it. Looking from the most basic barebones perspective of the MV we understand that it is a great, catchy, compilation of internet tropes. Combining that with KOTOKO as the singer and you realize it is in fact a celebration of the horrofic chaos and not a critique. A brilliant mental trap for those that dig deep into the surface of things only for the actual depth to be out of reach for them. It lays bare itself in the literal dialogue and not its implications.

This is truly a genius song.


File:107602326_p0.jpg (1.89 MB,2894x2870)


The songs about Generation Alpha's internet addiction are going to be hardcore


Up Up Down Down


Asa is like Kagome, in that she has an incredibly basic and generic design but is also super recognizable. I think its the bow on her clothes


I think the first part shouldn't be disregarded. The latter two mins do celebrate the internet, but they don't cancel out the pain she was trying to escape in the first half. The loneliness, need for approval, stress over receiving hate, it's not going to go away even after embracing it, the reasons why she wanted to leave in the first place are still there, they weren't solved.

I believe that rather than being a critique of the internet, it's more like self-deprecation. If you take it at its word, which I agree with doing, it still describes bad stuff. Maybe not overcoming depression, maybe it's being mercurial.



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